Chapter 12

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I looked at my Raven she's Beautiful. She can't think right she's keeps whispering 'Wear a Neckless of rope
side by side with me'. i don't know whats going on inside her head. I don't know what to do she's sleeping right now. I sit at my desk and watch her sleep. She suddenly movies on the bed she let out a scream. I run to here i shake her i said "Raven! Wake up!" She flew up in bed. She was breathing heavily she whispered "Henry..." she said something beside that line! I took here hand "What about Henry!?" The only other thing she said was "danger..." I cupped my hand around her cheek i said "what do mean?" She whispered "Wear a Neckless of rope
Side by Side with me." I said " tell me more come back!!!" She laid down and feel back asleep Raven.... I need you come back. She looked so peaceful i need to figure out what she meant by Henry......danger? Henry's in danger maybe? I made a looking glass it showed me Storybrooke, The was a beast there a black beast the top kinda looked like a cat. Glowing Yellow eyes a shadow beast that kills in the shadows and at night. It can't come out during the day But it can hide in peoples shadows and attack them. A shadow beast was in Henrys shadow. Its only a matter of time until it attacks his soul. I have to tell them somehow? I have to send someone. I'll send Tom i walk out of the tent i said "Tom come here..." he walked over to me he said "yeah Pan?" I said "i need you to go to Storybrooke and tell Regina that the Shadow beast is in Henrys shadow". He gives me a nod i gave him enough pixy dust to get there and back. Then he took off in the air i walk back in the tent. Raven was still asleep i lay down next to her and fall asleep.
Tom's POV.
I land in Storybrooke i walk to a little dinner called grannys. There Regina is i walk to her i said "I have a message from Pan....the shadow beast is in Henrys Shadow and its only a matter of time takes his soul". I look down Regina said "how did he know that?" I said "Raven woke up from a nightmare saying that Henry was in danger so Pan looked into it and saw that...." Regina smiled and said "thank you for coming here". I shrug and say "no problem" i walk away and Dump the remaining Pixie dust on me. I flew away from Storybrooke.
Ravens POV.
I sit down in my spot i was look in the fire. The flames are red like blood. I can here the crackling of the fire. The voices in my head had gotten louder and husher.

You Worthless pice of shit!
No one loves you!
Your a killer

They strung up a man!

They say who murdered three!

You Killed Felix! And your father!



I look down Pan comes and sits down he said "Raven please talk to me". I stay silent i sit still Pan said "i miss your sweet smiled, your voce, you beautiful deep blue eyes staring up at me. Please come back to me". I stare i say "Wear a Neckless of rope, Side by Side with me". Pan said "thats all i hear you say! say something else!"
I said "Are you, Are you going to kill me.....the voice in my head says to die die die maybe i will will will". Pan looked at me and said "what?! Theres a voices in your head?!" I looked in the fire not saying another word.
Hey my little birds i'm happy that you all the book so far Are you, Are you going to vote for my book? Lol love you all my little birds \^,^/ hugs!

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