Chapter 10

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I look back at them and give a little fake smile and look back out. I wish... Felix and dad where still here. I gave out a sad sigh then i heard a happy voce say my name, "Raven!" I turn around and stand i say quietly "Henry". He ran to me and hugged me he said "don't worry its gonna be alright". Emma and Rumple where right behind him. I said "you guys should leave...get off the island...he'll let you go he just wont let you go with me". Henry let go and looked at me with sad eyes. He said "N-No i can't leave you here! Your my sister!" I smiled a little and said "we're family and i can't allow my family to risk there life's for me any longer". I gave them my last magic bean i said "Go leave its your best chance..." I handed it to Emma. Henry said "i'm staying if your staying..." i put my hand on his head and said "no Henry....i'm really gonna miss you too's better this way". Henry hugged me and said "but...i wanna be with my sister".
Rumples POV.
I see my grandson holding on to Raven. The girl that has saved all of us countless times. She plans to one last time by getting us off this island. I'd never think that i would be so sad to leave Neverland. The way Raven and Henry where acting. It reminded me on how me and Peter acted before we got here. He was a good older bother always looking out for me, protecting me until we went to Neverland. It was fine the first few months. Then he became upsets with power. He became over protective about everything. He smothered me then that one day when we met Hook. I was overwhelmed with happiness. It had been 3 years on this Island then one day Hook took me home. Peter tried to stop us i told him i hated him and he did this to himself and that i never wanted to see him again. Who would've thought that i would be standing here face to face to the person i said that to.
Pan's POV.
I see Raven and Henry hugging she really dose care about him. Henry said "but...i wanna stay with my sister". She looked at him and said "i know you do... and its gonna rip my heart out when you leave but its for the best". I see tears running down his face it reminded me of how Rumple was. So scared needing me to protect him from the cold hard world. Then he left and I've never been the same since. Ever...when i met his boy i thought it would give me a chance to start over. But then he left ripping out any kindness i had left. I'm not a good person i've killed for fun. I never felt anything but hate and anger until i met my Raven. Even tho i had met Tiger Lily, Wendy, and Jane. I don't think i ever loved them they where just my items. I love Raven but she doesn't make me weak. She makes me stronger its true it happens because of her fear. But why am i so darn to it? Why do i want it so badly? I have no idea Raven said "Henry you are the best little bother i could ever ask for..". Henry said "and you the best older sister anyone could ever ask for...". Emma hugged Raven she said "be safe and be smart kid". She let go Rumple walked to Raven he said " saved us countless times and for that i thank you, you need anything don't hesitate to call". He shook her hand i said "Mr. Gold just do one thing for me....and Look after Henry...please". Rumple smiled and said "i will". Emma threw the Magic bean down in the water and the portal was made. Emma took Henrys hand and they both jumped at the same time. Rumple looked back at me and then jumped. Raven stared at the portal until it closed. A tear went down her face she whispered "Goodbye". I walk to her and hug her she cried into my shoulder. I ran my fingers threw her hair i know she's upset. I hold he close an kiss her forehead.
Flare's POV.
I watch them jump off the cliff into the portal. When it closed i can see the sadness written all over Ravens face. I wish there was something i could do. Ravens one of us shes a lost girl she belongs with us. I see Pan walk up and hug her she hugged him back. She cried into his shoulder i know how much it hurts her right now. When you lose someone that you love you'll never be the same after. I saw her glance at me i gave her i'm worried look. She gave me a little nod Pan held her closer. She looked like shed been crying for days. Poor Raven, it sucks that she loved the person i killed and enjoyed watching him bleed to death. I gave evil grin remembering it both of them dyeing at the same time made me happy. Ah yes the color of blood the red liquid flowing out of there bodies. Ah yes my Bother and that evil pice of shit Hook is gone. I can remember so happily shoving the dagger in. Soon after that the Dreamshade entered there system and they both died.
Hey my little Birds
So what do you think of this chapter? And do you want a book 4 of the Darkness series? If not this will not be the last of Raven it will be probably be the last of Pan...for awhile lol. I haven't decided yet So im gonna let ya'll decide it. erm vote tell me in the comments below lol Wite More Darkness or Write More Raven!

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