Chapter 4

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I set foot on Neverland with two big strong arms around me. Pan looked at me and said "My pretty little Raven Bird". He cupped his hand around my cheek. I glared at him and said "ok yeah that makes since given you almost killed me countless times"! I say mocking him. He said "what are you mad at me?" I looked at him and said "of corse i am! You made chose between letting kill everyone and then taking me anyway! Or i come willingly and no dies! However i get the feeling you just tricked me!" I poked his chest. God he pissed me off so much! He said "Oh look whose getting smart?" I clinched my fists my hands erupted with Blue electricity! I was
soo pissed! I screamed "YOU SON OF A BITCH!" I yelled once more "YOU SAID YOU WOULDN'T HURT ANYONE!!!NOW I'LL HURT YOU!" Electricity came all around my body! I shot at him he started shaking with all the shock! I stopped and breathed heavily i said "don't trick me again!" I said harshly he stood up and smirked "do you really think that did anything to me?" I said "you lucky i'm not at purple yet other wise it would've!" He smirked "threats threats threats tsk tsk you know better Raven Bird!" I looked at him and glare "i'm not afraid of you dammit.....i've been threw allot the past year! Do you think i'm that wimpy ass girl who can't stand up for herself? I'm not that girl anymore!" He put his hand under my chin he said "i know and i like you even more now..." I looked at him and said "you creepy ass stalker!" I pushed him away and said "i'm here on Neverland i made a deal with you! You promised not to kill or hurt anyone it that town and god dammit i plan to make sure you fallow threw on it!" He gave me a evil grin and said "i said i wouldn't hurt anyone....i said nothing about Styx!" I yelled "NO!" He growled and said "yess" he spoke once more "this is to make sure no one and i mean no one takes you away from me again!" He grabbed me and held me close. I try to pull away but his grip got tighter. He put his lips on mine and Kissed me hard he put his tongue in my mouth. I pushed him away he grabbed my wrist and shoved me up angst a tree. He started kissing me again and put his tongue back in my mouth. He pulled away he said "i've missed you so much". He said and started aversively kissing me again. He started touching me everywhere.
Felix's POV.
I'm coming for you Raven don't you worry. We were on the boat on are way to Neverland i stood at the bow of the ship. I miss her i need her lips on mine. Then we go threw the portal i stood there. A hand landed on my shoulder it was Henry. He said "don't worry will get her back" i said "sounds easier than you think it is...." i know the only way to kill Pan is if you willing to die your self. I am willing to if it means Rav would me safe. I saw it Neverland never thought i'd be here again. I said to myself under my breath "don't worry Raven i will save you i love you...".
Pan's POV.
I felt her warm body i loved everything about her. Her hair her eyes they way she walks. How she talks i press myself against her. I also love that she try's to fight me when she knows i'm gonna win. i pull back i heard Felix's voce "Don't worry Raven i will save you....i love you". I tighten my grip on her no i just got her back she's mine! Forever! I think she herd it to cause i herd he whisper "no Felix..." she knew what was gonna happen. So did he but he didn't care he came anyway. To try and take her away from me Again! But this time he was planing to kill me along with himself, Foolish boy he should know by now Peter Pan Never fails. I smirk Raven said "please Pan don't hurt him please!" She sobbed i knew this would hurt her but it would also make her mine. She can have everything she ever wanted here with me. Yet she still choses him but why? I look at her "why?" She said "why what?" I said "why do you chose him over me!?" She said "oh i don't know maybe because he's never tried to kill me!" I said "oh yeah what about when you where dealing with the Snow Queen!?" She said "He was under a spell! And quite frankly so was i!" I said "what damn spell was that!?" She said "have you not herd of the spell of shattered Sight!?" I looked at her and said "we don't talk about that spell do you understand!?" She said "yeah ok whatever!" I looked at her from top to bottom. She had on a pair of dark ripped up jeans, A Blue shirt and a black leather jacket. With black tie up boots with a bow and arrows over her shoulder. I took her wrist and drug her to a cage. I threw her in i locked it i said "no be a good girl i'm gonna go kill a fish!" I said referring to Felix. She beat her hands on the side of the cage she said "NO GET BACK HERE!" But i walked away ignoring her.

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