Chapter 9

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I wake up and Pan's gone i get up and put my bow over my sholder. I walk out of the tent and walk out of the tent. I walk to the cliff and sit on the edge. I cry i miss you i wish there was something i could've done. I sat there and messed with the electricity in my hands. I put my head in my hands and start singing.
"If anyone asks,

I'll tell them we both just moved on

When people all stare

I'll pretend that I don't hear them talk

Whenever I see you,

I'll swallow my pride

and bite my tongue

Pretend I'm okay with it all

Act like there's nothing wrong!"

"Is it over yet?

Can I open my eyes?

Is this as hard as it gets?

Is this what it feels like to really cry?

"If anyone asks,

I'll tell them we just grew apart

Yeah what do I care

If they believe me or not

Whenever I feel

Your memory is breaking my heart

I'll pretend I'm okay with it all

Act like there's nothing wrong!"

"Can I open my eyes?

Is this as hard as it gets?

Is this what it feels like to really cry?


I take a deep breath and sang again

"I'm talking in circles

I'm lying, they know it

Why won't this just all go away!?"

"Is it over yet?

Can I open my eyes?

Is this as hard as it gets?

Is this what it feels like to really cry?


Then i heard clapping behind me. I turn around expecting Pan. It was Flare and Pan he said "wow that was amazing i loved it". Flare said "me too it was great".
Short chapter ik but i hope you liked it lol big big hugs to all my Little Birds

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