Chapter 5

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I get off the ship i turned to Hook and said "Captain i just want to tell you if i don't get out of this alive will you tell Raven i'm sorry and i love her". Hook gave me a pat on the back and said "Felix don't worry you will in the meantime we have to come up with a plan". Emma said "Agreed" they walk ahead of me and Henry. Henry said "what do you mean if you don't make it out alive?" I put my head down and said "i can't kill Pan unless i'm willing to die as well i will do what i have to if it mean all of you and Raven are safe". Henry said "no there has to be another way to kill him!" I shook my head and said "there isn't believe me i've known this and Pan for a vary long time....theres no telling what he'll do to Raven". Henry said "probably kiss her to death..." I rolled my eyes and said "he's stabbed her several times....but of corse that was his shadow". Henry said "you mean his evil side? Do you still think theres any good in him?" I looked at him an said "i don't think i know there is i've seen it". Henry said "Raven told me about that but i didn't believe it until now".
Pan's POV.
I walked off then i heard Henry and Felix where talking. Felix said "he's stabbed her several times...but of corse that was his shadow". Henry said "you mean his evil side? Do you think there's still good in him?" Felix gave him a look of honesty and said "i don't think i know there is i've seen it". Henry said "Raven told me about that i didn't Believe it until now". Wow Felix still has my back even tho he's after whats mine. Hmm this will be fun *BAM ZAP!* i turn my head ah hell. I run to Raven's cage and it was open and blown almost to bits. She was gone.
Raven's POV.
I ran as fast as i could away from that damn cage. *SMAK* i run into someone i fell on my ass i touched my head said "ah dammit!" "Raven!" I said "Felix!" I throw my arms around him he said "are you alright what wa- never mind that was you busting out if the cage". I gave him a light punch on the arm. I said "Felix you shouldn't have come Pan's gonna kill you". Henry said "hello sis do i get a hug?" I gave him one and said "i'm surpassed Regina let you come". He said "oh no she didn't i said i was going weather she liked it or not". I rolled my eyes and said "now you sound like me". I pointed to myself he Laughed. Then i heard a angry voce "RAVEN! GET OVER HERE!" I turn around and said "yeah uh no". It was Pan he walked closer and took my arm. He said "Raven! You can't get off without permission from me no one can"! I electricitcted, him i screamed "FELIX HENRY GO! GET OUT OF HERE!" They ran off They would be back for me i knew that. Pan was on the ground the my blue Electricity turned to green. The next step is Scarlet then its Purple. He stood up and said "Raven! You gonna pay for that!" I saw him pull out his dagger i pulled out my bow and Arrow on him. I said "stay the hell back!" He stepped closer he said "why whats wrong?! You afraid!?" He said with a evil grin i felt my axcitey spike a little. I gulped and said "No of corse not!" Pan said "well then you wont mind if i do this" he threw my bow away and lifted up my shirt and held his dagger to it. The blade was so cold it sent a shiver down my spine. My fear grew a little he smiled and said "there it is...the fear that you try so hard to keep down but just comes right back up, just when i pull out this little old dagger". He drug it across my stomach. He said "the fear that i love so much it makes me crazy.... i've been hungry for it". He pushes his dagger in a little it goes higher. He said "there we go"! He pushes the dagger in more. I wince he said "i'll stop when i get you shaking in fear i just had a couple of drops i want more". He pushed the dagger
In more a tear slipped from my eye he gave a evil grin and stuck it in all the way. I start shaking in fear he said "ah there it is" he pulled it out and heeled it. The blood dispersed its never done that before whatever. He said "damn i wanted to undress you..." he came to me and started kissing my neck. He whispered in my ear and said "maybe i still can huh?" I push him away he pins me up against a tree. He said "whats wrong you know you like it?" He ran his tongue up my neck. I said "n-no i don't!" He said "i can make you like it how bout i kill Felix then Henry then Killen then Emma?" I said "no no don't!" He said "then admit to me you like it! If you don't they all die!" He said still not stopping i can't say that! What if Felix finds out or hears me! I said "Pan i-i can't say that and be honest with you". He said "Big mistake! I'll come back and continue latter! After i go for a kill!" He said waving his hand and i was tied to a tree. I yelled "NO NO YOU CAN'T" he walked away ignoring me. Then he was gone...think think Raven....I GOT IT! Its a long shot but it has to work! I said "Rumplestskin, Rumplestskin,Rumplestskin"! Then Rumple was in front of me. He said "you called?" I said "YOU HAVE TO GO SAVE HENRY AND THE OTHERS PANS GONNA KILL THEM!" He said "ok i will but first.." he waved his hand and i was untied. Then he pooffed away i then i run off i climb up a tree and hide in its leaves. I make some ones below so he doesn't see me. I focused and listened i could see and hear everything that was goin on with the group. They got away yes! I was so happy then i opened my eyes. I was starring at allot of leaves.
Pan's POV.
I walk back to the tree she was tied up at and she was gone. Dammit! I walk around and i look up and i see her sitting in a tree. Her eyes he closed she was focusing on something then she slowly opened them. I climb up the tree and when i'm at the limb beneath hers i grab he ankle. I pull her and sling her over my shoulder. I walk back to the tent. The boys where out hunting i walk into the tent and thro her on the bed. I said "now lets play". I get on top of her and start kissing her hard. I pin her down and i made my way to her neck. I rubbed her she let out a soft moan. I know she likes it why wont she admit it? Its probably because she doesn't want Felix to find out. I wouldn't tell him unless he says something like 'then why did he chose me?' I said "Raven Bird i know you like this i won't tell Felix if you do". She said "i don't like it!" I said "your mouth says one thing but your Body says another and your Body likes it!" She said "you promise you wont tell him?" I smiled and said "yes darling i promise". She said "i like it!" Kept on going.

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