Chapter 1

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Hey names Jade, I am Riddick's wife. I know what you must think "Did the big bad alpha male Riddick got married!!" Why yes yes he did. I don't like to brag, but I got his ass whipped so good that he never even thinks of being with anyone else. He may seems all tough and scary, but in truth he's a total softy at heart. Well only to a few people he actually likes.

Anyway, him and I are both convicts and murderes. That's how him and I met at a prison long ago.
I am the last Alpha Female Fyurian of my kind. I also have the same eyes as my husband, but I was born with them, I didn't get a shine job on them like him. Right now I'm on a ship being transported to a max prison with Riddick. We were caught by no one other than Johns. Riddick and I both call him the the blue eyed-devil.
"They say most of your brain shuts down in cryosleep. All but primitive side... the animal side. No wonder I'm still awake.
Transporting us with civilians Sounded like 40 to 40plus.
Heard an Arab voice. Some hoodoo holy man. Probably on his way to New Mecca. But what route? What route?"
"Smelled a woman. Sweat, boots, tool belt, leather. Prospector type."
"Free settlers. And they only take the back roads.  "And here's our real problem: Mr. Johns, blue-eyed devil." Planning on taking us back to slam... only this time he picked a ghost lane." "A long time between stops. A long time for something to go wrong." I think to myself smiling hoping for something to go wrong so Riddick and I can get out of these chains and so I can get my hands on Johns.
I open my eyes and see that I'm chained up in one of the suspender animation chamber facing Riddick while sitting on his lap. I smile seeing him restrained with a horse bit in his mouth. It has always been a favorite of mine seeing him tied up, it really does something to me.

"Johns sure loves putting the bits in your mouth." I say to him knowing that he was awake and aware that I was awake. He moves his head up to look at me only if he could see me if it wasn't for the blindfold over his eyes. He growls lowly at me, I just smile and kiss near his mouth.

"Sorry baby I couldn't help it.""It's way to easy to tease you, especially when we find ourselves in this position offer may I add." I tell him.
All of the sudden I hear the emergency alarm go off and the ship shakes violently making me hit my back on the front of the pod with a pained grunt. "That's going to leave a mark." I grit out between my teeth. Riddick lets out a sound as if asking me if I'm okay.

"I'm alright." I tell him moving my neck side to side cracking it to relieve some of the pain.

I hear the woman called Fry fall out of her chamber with a thud, not a second later I hear the man Owens fall too probably on Fry with another groan.

"Why did I fall on you?" Says Owens.

"He's dead. Captain's dead. I was looking right at him." Says Fry

"The chrono shows we're 22 weeks out." "Gravity was not supposed to kick in for another 19." "Why did I fall at all?" Says Owens frustrated

"Did you not hear what I said?" "Captain's dead." Says Fry
I hear them get up and head to the front of the ship to probably try to level it out and to figure out what happened. I look to Riddick and say

"Looks like our chance to go free is coming up." He simply nods. I smile and put my head on his shoulder and close my eyes and try to enjoy the rest of the "smooth" ride.

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