Chapter 9

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Fry and Johns walk out of the room heading for the skiff I assume to get the rest of the power cells. I'm just seriously ready to get of this rock and away from all this light and irritating people. I cannot wait to be alone with Riddick and to go hunt again. It's going to be so fun! I smirk to myself just thinking about it.
I walk over to the skiff and lean agains it listening to them talk about us.

"They also figures out how to kill the pilot." I hear Johns say I smirk, that bit was my idea the pilot was way to handsy for my liking, so I had to put him in his place. Fry says something about a deal and trust. I go back to ignoring them but I do hear something that catches my attention.

Johns says "You may have noticed that chains don't work on this guy." I laugh to myself and lightly shake my head. Chains are for pussies Johns. I just know my way around em.
I keep listening to em to make sure they don't try to screw us over.

"Now the only way you people are truly safe is if they believe they are going free." Says Johns I roll my eyes again. Really he thinks he's playing us! I smile leaning more agains the ship.

"Let's just say they stop believing... You mean is they realize that we're going to royally fuck em over." Fry cuts him off by saying.

"I want you to listen to me for a second." John's says getting irritated with her.

"If we bring the cells up at the last possible minute, when the wings are ready to launch..." Fry cuts him off again. Man she really won't let him finish. I like her right now. I smile to myself in amusement and annoyance. She keeps talking.

"They haven't harmed any of us. They haven't even lied to us. Let's just stick to the deal John's." She says as she is leaning back agains the chair I'm assuming by the noise the chair makes.

"They are killers." Johns says in an angry voice.
"The law says they have to do their bids. There is nothing I can do about that. You hear me?" He says.

"Your dancing in razor blades here." She replies.
"I'm not gonna give em a chance to grab another ship, or slash another pilots throat. Not on my watch." He says getting up walking away.
I realize Riddick sitting down next to where I'm standing and starts to shave his head. Man I must've really been so focused on them and did not notice him sit next to me.

"Need a hand handsome?" I ask. He smirks a little handing me the shiv.
I hear Johns before I see him he comes out of the ship hunching over dry heaving. I cringe at the sound. That's what you get for getting high in drugs idiot.

"Bad sign. Shaking like that in this heat." Riddick says to him while I continue to shave his head for him.
"I thought I said no shiv...shivs." John says to him leaning over to puke again or to try at least.
"What this?" Riddick says taking the shiv away from my hand.
"This is just a personal grooming appliance." He says continuing to shave his head without my help. John's looks at him looking like he's gonna puke again.

A bit later Riddick tells me he's gonna sneak onto the ship to speak with Fry. I decide to stay outside the ship to keep a look out for others. "Don't flirt with her." I tell him in a serious expression as he stands up. He turns to me smiling
"I'm just gonna work her nerves that's all." He says while ghosting his lips with mine. I roll my eyes but nod at him. He heads in I push myself back agains the ship listening to them inside. I don't like this. My jealousy popping it's ugly head.

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