Chapter 2

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Looks like I got my wish. The ship jolts and crashes. Riddicks and I body's thrash around as the ship falls I lean in and tighten my legs more around Riddick's my front leaning closer to his chest so I don't hit my head and back on the door again. As always me being close to my lover has him doing the same thing he always does. He lets out a groan at our closeness already wanting to wrap his arms around me and pull my mouth to his.
This man really has no restraint, but I won't blame him I feel the same way about him.

Finally the ship stops and my husband and I break out of our chains and run.
I hide behind a pile of rubble while Riddick hides up holding onto some thick wires waiting for Johns to come looking for us.
A few seconds later I smell him before I hear him coming our way, Johns smells like morphine and sweat. I wrinkle my nose in disgust. I look to where Riddick is to see him wrapping his chained feet around Johns throat, I also see Johns get out his stupid little hitting stick I instantly move to help, but I see Riddick give me a hard shake of his head telling me not to help.
Ugh he never lets me have any of the fun. Probably for a good reason since I can't control myself once I get angry, that is why Riddick and I are a great combo because he is calm and very smart, while as I am full of anger and impatience. I let my animal side control me more than him. Thats why we level each other out perfectly. I lean agains the pole and watch as the wires give out and Riddick falls to the floor.

Just as Johns moves to strike him I instinctively move to protect my other half, but Johns stops mid strike and I move back a little still in my strike mode.
"Somebody's gonna get hurt
one of these days." "It ain't gonna be me." Says Johns

"Are you sure about that Johns?" I say making my presence know. I walk over to him seeing him move back a bit in fear of me, but he moves back to show me he's not afraid I roll my eye at him.
Johns straps Riddick to a support beam hands behind the beam and his feet to the floor, not even bothering to chain me up.

"Kinda dangerous not tying me up isn't it Johns?" I say to him smirking crossing my arms over my chest.

"You won't try anything, you know why?" He asks and I shrug begging him to continue. "Do tell me dear Johnny boy?" Knowing he will. "Because I know that you won't do anything without Riddick's word." He says to me.

"Hmm true, but I don't always do what my husband tells me." "He doesn't control me, he just knows patience better than me." I reply to him looking to Riddick, because if I keep looking at his face I'm gonna want to follow my instincts and punch his annoying smug face.

After he finished showing off with his testosterone, he leaves us alone. I move over to crouch in front of Riddick smiling again.

"See I told you. He loves putting you in horse bits, chains, you name it.""I think he might have a kink for people who are tied up."He just growls at me clearly not getting my humor. "Okay okay I'll sit." I tell him rolling my eyes moving to sit across from him. I cross my arms around my chest and huff like a child. "You sure do know how to ruin my fantasy's babe." I groan out annoyed. He doesn't say anything back just puts his head down.

Little while later I hear footsteps coming out way again. I turn my head and make eye contract with Fry I give her a smile. She ignores me and instead looks over at Riddick with curiosity in her eyes. I see Johns come up next to her making his usual I'm the king stance.

"They just escaped from a maximum prison." Says Johns.
"I didn't hear her ask you anything." I say looking their way giving them a pointed look. They ignore me and continue talking.

"So do we just keep them locked up forever?" She asks. I laugh to myself she really has bad eye sight if she can't see that I'm clearly not chained up.

"Well that would be my choice." Says Johns.

"Are they really that dangerous?" Whispers Fry not so subtlety I roll my eyes.

"No we are dangerous to everybody, more so to people I don't like." I tell her and she looks over at me with a scared expression. I just laugh and lean back agains the rubble satisfied with myself. Riddick chuckles at me.

"No they are just dangerous to humans." Johns tells her giving me a hard look, again I roll my eyes as they leave us alone again.
After they disappear I look to Riddick and lick my lips and stand up walking over to him I sit on his lap and touch his cheek.

"I can never resist you when your up in chains.""Maybe it's me that has the kink of you being tied up, but it only works with you because no one else makes it look so fucking hot like you do." I say to him licking my lips in hunger. Riddick growls and moves forward to sniff my neck I smile and kiss his neck nipping at it lightly to give him a taste.

"Mmm not here big boy they will hear." I say smirking at him when I move away from
His neck. He groans in annoyance in my neck telling me not to tease him.
I get off his lap and stretch my arms over my head to get the kinks out of my tires bruised body.
I look down at Riddick as he is looking up to the top of the beam where it was disconnected, he moves his head right and up to look at the torch cutter.
I could definitely tell he's coming up with a plan. He slowly stands all the way up on his toes and pulls his arms up and dislocated them out of the broken beam and falls forward and grabs the torch to break himself free. Once he does that he grabs me and kisses me hungrily and passionately.

"Been waiting and wanting to do that since we got into that damn pod." He says with a deep sexy slightly annoyed voice. I smile up at him.

"Well all good things come to those who wait." I say to him laughing at his not amused reaction. "What you taught me more patients than I ever had before we even got together, you should know me and my snarky comments." I laugh getting up on my tippy toes to give him another kiss. "Come on now let's get the fuck off this planet."

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