Chapter 13

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Everyone hustles around the ship to grab as much light as they can.

"I'll be runnin' ten paces ahead. I want light on my back but not in my eyes." Riddick tells them.

"And check your cuts." "These bad boys know our blood now." He states to the others as he moves to stand next to me.

"What your not gonna let me run with you?" I ask him.

"No I want you to stay with the others." He tells me.

"Ugh why?" I say to him in a bit of a whiny tone.
He doesn't respond to me only handing me a sling with some flashlights attached to them. I take it from him and put it on.

"Fine don't tell me." I say to him.
Everyone moves to the doors.

"Are we actually going to do this?" Paris asks.

"We stay together." "We keep the light burning." Frys says.
"That's all we gotta do to live through this thing." She tells them moving away from us.
I stay leaning against the door frame listening.

"Are you ready Johns?" I hear Fry say to John's I assume.

"Yeah." He says it softly in response with a hint of a smirk on his annoying face.

"Look, we're just wasting light here." She tells him.

"You give them the cells and the ship... and they will leave you all out there to die." Johns says. He's probably right. Well I'd definitely leave him and Fry here to die. I'll take the kids with me. There is no way in hell I'd let them die here! I'm not that cold blooded.

"They'll leave all of you." He says as I'd trying to tell her to leave us here and to go without us. Right like they would survive a minute without our help.

"I don't get it Johns." Fry says.

"What is so goddamn valuable in your life that you're worried about losing?" She harshly says to him. Oof cold. Maybe I was wrong about her, maybe she can do this. I smirk.

"Is there anything at all?" She asks.
"Besides your next spike?" She bites out leaving him to come down to us. Damn I'm starting to like her a bit.

Everyone grabs their light and a hold of the sled and we set out following Ridddick. I stay at the end to protect the others when I have to. Rid speeds up and so do the others. I look and see the creatures move around the light. They crouch forward with their tails shaking like a rattle snakes tail. I hold onto my shiv a bit tighter ready to attack them back if needed. I look to Paris when I hear him gasp I notice the torch died.

"Stay close." Imam says to him. I give his back a shove forward. "Come on Paris move your ass." I say to him. He quickly runs up and grabs something I see a flare fall out and roll into the darkness. Jack sees it too and starts to take off his, well her light from around her body to go and grab the damn thing.

"Wait." she says to the others.
Crawling to the flare. "Jack!" Fry yells out. I hear the screeching of the creatures. I look and see they have their sights set on Jack.
Imam goes and grabs Jack right as one swoops in. John's starts shooting and I move to pull Paris back as he starts to crawl away from the sled, but I miss by an inch and he gets away.
The others try and grab him as well but miss.
"Paris get back here!" Fry yells.

I look to Rid as he is already looking over to us with his shiv scratching his cheek. We make eye contact as the others screw up themselves.
The light goes out as Paris pulled it out and broke the thing. I look back to him. I give him the there going to end themselves look.

"This can't be happening." He keeps repeating while still crawling away like a moron.

"Are you all right?" I hear Imam ask Jack.

RIDDICK'S PITCH BLACK AND A FURYAN.حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن