Chapter 4

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We head back to the ship hearing shots go off. The guy Paris was siting on a chair with umbrella covering him from the suns with a drink next to him.

"Well he looks comfortable." I say to Riddick. Paris freaks out from some little noise and gets down going into the ship while Riddick takes his spot under the umbrella I stand next to him, but he pulls me down on his lap I let out a light laugh at his actions of always wanting to be closer.
He takes the drink and takes a swig as we watch Zeke kill another survivor from the crash. Riddick passes me the drink and I take a big swing of it closing the cap after giving it back to him.
Riddick and I follow Zeke who is going to bury the dead bodies. I hear those clicking sounds again under us as we move closer to the guy. Riddick takes out his shiv holding it getting ready to kill Zeke, but he doesn't get the chance as Zeke is pulled into the hole by those things that are stuck with us on this dreaded planet.
Zeke's gun goes off trying to kill the beast yelling. I see the woman he was with running to us yelling after her lover, she looks up at us in surprise and hatred in her eyes. I can clearly see her assuming that we killed him because Riddick had his shiv out, but he has no blood on it. She clearly is blind with rage.

I feel Riddick telling me to start running with his body language and we do take off running in the opposite direction. We keep running till Riddick trips over Johns stick that he stabbed his feet with, he falls and quickly turns around trying to get up but Johns kicks him in the side as Rid goes back to get at Johns, but he takes off his goggles full well knowing the light hurts his eyes and punches him in the face I growl and make my way at Johns. I easily maneuver around his attacks and wrap my arms around his neck choking him with my strength. And it's not weak and pathetic human strength it's raw fiery Furyan strength thats definitely more fueled by my hatred and anger that the love of my life and family was being touched by someone that's not me.
Shazza comes running yelling at us about her lover.

"What did you do to Zeke?" Punching my lover in the face again. "What did you do to him!" Fry comes in and tries to hold back Shazza while im squeezing the life out of Johns, but I let go as soon as the bitch touches him again growling with burning anger. That leads Johns to get an upper hand on me. He grabs my arms and twists them in a position that I can't get out of. I trash in his arms yelling "GET THE FUCK OF ME JOHNS OR I SWEAR I WILL KILL YOU AND ANYONE ELSE WHO TOUCHES RIDDICK AGAIN!!"

They ignore me and the idiots keeps yelling at each other and at Riddick.

"Somebody kill him... Just somebody god damn kill him before he..." she say kicking him in the face knocking him out. I snarl out and kick Johns in the balls and punch Shazza in the face hard, she falls down groaning. I snap my head at the others warning them to stay the fuck away from us.

"Never touch him again bitch or you'll get more than a punch in the face." I say to her as Johns pulls me back as he recovers from his kick in the balls. He takes me and Riddick back to the ship to put us in chains again. I really hate these people.

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