Nothing to lose, Everything to gain. Chapter 1

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     "Chase... don't cry! You'll be okay... I'll come back as soon as I have enough money to feed us alright? H-here, I made this... just in case we ever got separated. It's a bracelet, I made it... it's enchanted to always keep you safe." "Sir?" " I love you Chase." "Sir." "I'll be back soon." "Sir!" "See ya soon kid!" "SIR!" Chase gasped, breathing heavily as the memory slowly disappeared. He looked around to see multiple faces staring at him. 'Right... I'm being sold... but it's for the good of my family... right?' Chase shook away the thought as he slowly climbed out of the beaten-up carriage.

     The sun glared down on the field as thousands of people waited for the chance to buy one of the boys being sold for work, their eyes glowing greedily. Quickly numbers were thrown on each boy, Chase's number was 271. He looked up to see that there was no one in front of him, he looked around only to see that they were all standing on the stage, glaring at him. Chase quickly stumbled up the stairs, heat rising to his face. People stared at him, watching his every move seeing if he would do something stupid again, but he just stood there staring straight ahead. Some people though, were whispering in groups and would once in a while glance up at him, causing him to sigh. 

     Eventually though, Chase looked around beginning to wonder if anyone would want to buy such a clumsy boy, when his eyes quickly met piercingly green eyes, staring at him with pure curiosity in those shockingly green eyes. Chase smiled his brightest smile, he knew he had found a home in the boy's eyes.

     Sorry for it being so short but this is my first story after all! I'm a little confused about how this works but... if you have any recommendations feel free to leave them in the comments! Thanks!

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