Chapter 2

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     Anti's eyes locked with the younger boy's, his number was 271. He seemed quite... interesting. 271 smiled and Anti froze, his breath catching in his throat. The boy's smile was bright and welcoming... just like his mother's. It seemed as if all the sunshine in the world was contained in that single, perfect smile. "I say we get 295!" The voice of Anti's younger brother snapped him out of his thoughts and Anti turned to look at the boy his brother was talking about, and immediately winced at how different the two boys were, 271 was young, short, and quite... feeble, so to speak. Where as 295 seemed... older than Anti, pretty tall, and definitely quite capable. "No... we need someone to work mother's garden, not win a war." Anti said softly but with a small hint of menace behind it.

     "I say we get 2-" Anti was quickly interrupted by the announcer beginning to call out numbers, and other people from the crowd would call out their wagers for the child. Anti growled softly, glancing at 271. He was shifting his weight back and forth on his feet nervously. Anti sighed and put his hands in front of his brother's face and slowly started putting up his fingers to represent numbers, '2. 7. 1.' he signed. His brother turned and gave Anti a quizzical look, but Anti narrowed his eyes and nodded sharply, warning him not to object. Anti's younger brother, Jackie shrugged and turned back to the stage to wait, and Anti grinned triumphantly. Now all he had to do was wait.

I'm thinking that I should only post two chapters a day. Sorry peeps but I need time to get my creative juice flowing again. (Don't take that out of context, you dirty, dirty, people) Anyways have any recommendations post them below! Have a great day and thank you for reading so far! 

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