Chapter 5

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     Chase yawned as he slowly woke up from a surprisingly comfortable nap in the carriage. Chase chuckled softly when he saw that Anti himself had drifted off. He looked very peaceful and calm, especially compared to earlier when he had so easily snapped at Chase. Jackie surprisingly had not fallen asleep, instead he was staring out the window with perfect contentment.


                         Several hours later,

     Chase was beginning to drift off again, when suddenly Jackie threw open the carriage door and climbed onto the top of the carriage, yelling and screaming in delight. Chase was laughing at his new friend's excitable energy, when Anti yelped with surprise as he was thrown out of his seat. Of course Chase tried to catch him, Chase actually did catch him. "You okay?" Chase asked Anti, pulling him away slightly so he could look at Anti normally. Anti's face was bright red, and he glanced at Chase, their eyes locking for a moment before Chase smiled and Anti's face burned brighter. But Anti glitched suddenly and he shoved Chase. "Don't touch me you weirdo." Anti growled looking away. "S-sorry..." Chase mumbled looking at his feet again, "Thank you though." Anti mumbled. "What?" Chase asked looking up. "N-nothing!" Anti snapped, his face was tinted pink again. "Guys! We're here!"

Sorry it's taking me a while to post I've just been very busy. Also I'm kind of stuck, the next chapter I'm going to post I ended on a spot where my mind kind of went blank, so if you have any ideas, please don't hold back. Anyways happy readings and enjoy your day!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23, 2020 ⏰

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