Tundra Cabin part 2

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"Karel, my child... Take care of Michelle. If she wants your candy, just give her half. Take care of Tania too, she can't walk yet." Bronya and I heard a man speaking in the darkness. We tried to open our eyes, but the winds were like knives that scraped against our eyelids. There was something more painful than the screeching winds. "Dear child... you have gone before us, to pave a way for your friends."

Bronya regained her vision. She tried to open her eyes, but closed them quickly. She couldn't stop her tears. She saw it, even for the briefest moments. Sunlight. Dazzling and blinding. Only the sun reflected off the snow can be that blinding. I used my Herrscher powers and created a heat wave from my hands to my face. I slowly opened my eyes getting used to the sun light. Bronya tried to open her eyes again. We found ourselves in a snowy location. A tall black priest in a black habit and long blond hair was giving a sermon for someone who died. There was crying. Several familiar figures stood around a tombstone with their heads bowed.

"Children... if you ask me why some people had to leave early... ...it is a trial of Death. There will be no more sorrow, wailing, pain, or terror... it is now... history..." Said the priest. 'That man... Overseer Otto? Principle Theresa and Joachim... in World 2... Seele... will Seele be here?' But then my eyes widened in shock. It was Otto Apocalypse. 'Don't attack. That is not the Otto Apocalypse we know.' I breathed and put my fists down. 'Sorry Drago. Every time I see his face or hear his voice I get so angry that I want to get him out of my sight.' Someone took our hands gently. We turned around and saw Seele standing near us.

"............" Our racing hearts calmed and Bronya gave Seele's hand a gentle squeeze. "Let us return, children. Unless you wish to speak to our friends." Said Otto as he stood up to leave. "Karel, here's your favorite toy car. Joachim and I used crayon to cover the parts where the paint fell off. It's not perfect but..." Theresa finished speaking. Theresa places the wooden car on the tombstone. The children said their parting words and left.

"The priest and the children are heading towards the hill." Said Seele. "We should follow them." Said Bronya. The three of us began to follow them. Bronya trailed behind them with Seele and I. "It's a funeral for a child. No flowers. No photographs. Only a priest and several children. The Bronya... we... we've seen this before..." Said Bronya. "......they're orphans in an orphanage like us." Said Seele. "I haven't. I haven't been to a funeral since I was only below 5 years old. The only thing I remember is going to this funeral in a limo with my family." I said. "Bronya Onee-Chan, Patrick Onii-Chan, look. A wooden cabin! That must be their home!" Said Seele pointing to a cabin.

The children walked through the door one by one. All except us. The priest spoke to them. He and the children seemed close. "That priest is in charge of the orphanage." Said Seele. "The Bronya never expected to meet Overseer Otto..." Said Bronya. "Neither have I. I was hoping never to see him." I said. "Do you know him, Bronya Onee-Chan and Patrick Onii-Chan?" Asked Seele. "He is an evil, dangerous man..." "And a murderer and a backstabber too. He murdered billions of innocent lives." I stomped my foot in the snow. "He is the one in charge of Schicksal. He awakened the 2nd Herrscher and wiped out half of humanity. As a Herrscher I have judged him to be unworthy of living and his existence was a true mistake." Said Drago. "You don't know this yet but after escaping from Schicksal, I found another reason to get stronger... to kill him." I finished speaking in a dark voice once I said "kill." "*gasp*" Seele gasped after her eyes widened in shock. "Did you say kill him?" Asked Seele.

"...I did. That's the only way to make sure that he never awakens anymore Herrschers or experiments on anymore innocent humans with Honkai energy again." "You can't! Killing is wrong!" Red Honkai aura appeared around me. "He murdered billions of innocent lives! Everything was all his fault! The reason why the 2nd Honkai wars started, the reason why Drago and Sirin turned into Herrschers, and the reason why our lives are ruined!" My eyes turned gold as rage was building up inside of me once again.

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