Paris day two

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A/N- please take caution whilst reading this chapter! it contains some subjects sensitive subjects. i wouldn't read of this could potentially trigger you. stay safe and have a lovely day🖤

we didn't wake up to sun today instead we woke up to rain. i got dressed in one of Haley's jumpers and some shorts.
"is that mine baby?" she said whilst kissing my forehead. her eyes looked towards my neck.
"crap" she mumbled under her breath whisky dragging me into the bathroom. i felt my neck but didn't feel anything.
"what is it?" i asked feeling self conscious. Haley pointed to the mirror and there was a hickey on my neck.
"sorry" Haley said as she paced the bathroom.
"it's okay i really enjoyed it" i said whilst i smirked and got out my foundation to cover it."there sorted" i said before hugging Haley, she hugged me back.
"guys breakfast is about to start you coming?" Andie shouted from behind the door. we opened the fire and headed down to breakfast, we passed the hotel doors and saw there was a bit of flooding outside. i picked Haley and pointed towards it.
"i'm sure it's fine" she replied taking hold of my hand.

while we were eating breakfast Mr smith walked over to our table. we were all trying to hold in our laughter from the newly acquired information about him and Mrs Lavender.
"unfortunately we have to stay indoors today due to slight flooding outside. you can go anywhere in the hotel just don't go outside please." he said before leaving our table and onto the next table of students. Haley whispered  to the girls and they nodded my head.
"i'm going upstairs, stay with the others i want some alone time" Haley said whilst climbing over me.
"yeah sure you okay?" i asked whilst she kissed me on the forehead. she nodded and walked until i couldn't see her anymore. what's wrong? did i do something? we stayed at the restaurant for another half an hour when Tegen tapped me on the shoulder.
"go up to the room now" she said as i stood up. i walked to the room to hear my favourite song playing. i walked closer to the room and the music got louder, attached to the door was a note. it said...
my love,
you may of thought the locket yesterday was your only present but your very wrong. follow the trail of clues to find me. clue one- teachers kiss. good luck you have 1 hour.
ya h x
my eyes welled up with tears as i read the words, how was she this amazing? i immediately knew where that was. the boys room. i ran down the corridor and attacked to the door was a note and a pair of hoop earrings.
well done for finding the second clue! i hope you enjoy the earrings i brought you. clue number two- rest in peace plant :(
i ran downstairs to the lobby, when we got here Andie accidentally knocked over one of the big plants that were either side of the door spilling soil everywhere. sitting on the plant was a bite and a frerreo rocher. i are the chocolate and opened the note.
good job! remember how mad they were at Andie! hope you enjoy the chocolate, follow the trail of rose petals to find your last clue. H x
i looked around and that's when i saw one sitting on the on the stairs i picked it up and ran up the stairs seeing a petal on every other stair. i followed them towards the indoor swimming pool. on the door was a note and some followers lay beneath it. i picked up the flowers, they were roses my favourite. i opened the note after.
well done babe you've found your last clue. this ones an easy one. where's my pride flag?
H x
i knew where to find it, yesterday we were taking a photo by a fountain and Haley accidentally dropped it in the fountain. i ran towards our room and i heard my favourite song again. i opened our room with the key card. i opened the door and was greeted to a dark light aroom lit up with candles. there was rose petals leading towards the bed. on the bed lay a grey box with another grey ribbon. i took off the lid and the sides of the bold fell down. it was one of those boxes in a box. on the side we're photos of my and i top of the box lay a note it said 'dear Sophie'. i opened up the best box, more photos of us were glued to the side of the box. images of us stared up at me. there was another note it said 'i know is been just over a month but' i opened the box and again more photos of us stared back at me. another note layer on top of the next box. 'i just wanted you to know' i reached over to open the next box when someone touched my shoulder.
"wait" they said calmly and i immediately recognised it as Haley's voice. i turned around to face her, she had a piece of paper in her hand.
"read it" she said as she picked up the small box. i opened the letter and started to read...
'you are the most amazing, kind, beautiful, cute, lovely and incredible person. you make me smile every day, i don't think it's possible to frown when your around. my life was so hard before you came into it. you are the light in my darkness and... turn to face me.' i turned around to face her. she was holding a ring box, tears filled my eyes as she smiled at me.
"you make me the happiest person alive. i genuinely love you so much. i'm so lucky to have you in my life." she opened the box and inside was a silver ring with an infinity sign with a diamond in the middle. my hands moved to my mouth in shock. "i promise to love you for the rest of my life, this ring will symbolise that." she slipped the ring on my ring finger.
"i love you too" i said as Haley pulled me in for a kiss. we stood there holding each other.

we cleaned up the room and walked down to our teachers and students standing in the hall. they looked worried, Mrs Lavender saw us first and ran over to us.
"thank go we found you guys! Andie and Tegen said you guys where upstairs but we decided to wait for you" Mrs Lavender said hurriedly. we joined our friends.
"what's happening?" i asked then i realised Alex wasn't there. "where's Alex?" i asked then i looked over at Milo, you could tell he had been crying.
"we don't know, he said he went to the toilet and now we can't find him. everyone in the hotel is looking for him and he's no where to be seen" Milos voice croaked as he spoke. i walked up to him and gave him a hug.
"milo we'll find him" i said as the owner of the hotel walked down the stairs.
"we found him" he said we all looked up at him. "he must of had some sort of a panic attack and passed out. he's still breathing and we've transferred him to the medical room. one person may enter to see him." Milo started crying as we comforted him.

20 minutes later we were all sitting in the cafe, Milo had gone to see Alex and we were all sitting there worried. Milo arrived with a small smile on his face.
"he woke up, he's okay" he said as we all went to hug him. we followed Milo to his room where Alex was lying in bed. we all hugged him.
"we're so happy your okay." Milo said whilst passing him a glass of water and one of his pills.
we were all exhausted after that eventful day, we all fell asleep instantly.

She's with herHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin