paris day four

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I woke up to Haley still stroking my hair, my cheeks where still tear stained from the nightmare I had. my head ached and I felt sick, I tried to sit up when I got a head rush. I groaned and lay back down again. Haley sensed me moving and pulled me closer towards her when see moved her hands away from me, she placed the back of her hand on my forehead.

"Babe your boiling hot. do you feel okay?" Haley said concerned as I pulled the covers to my chin and shivered.

"I don't feel well" I mumbled falling back asleep, I felt Haley put her hands under my back and sit me up. I watched her walk over to the mini fridge and got out a water bottle. she then walked over to her suitcase and got out some paracetamol then she walked back over to me. she took out 2 of the pills and passed them to me.

"take those then drink some water" Haley whispered as she pulled the covers away from me and turned up the AC.

"I'm cold" I shivered whilst I swallowed the pills and drank the water. Haley looked at me sympathetically.

"I know baby but I don't want you to over heat" she said whilst sitting on the desk chair. "I know have a nice hot bath" she stood up again and into the bathroom. I heard her run the bath and walk back into the room she looked at me.

"what time is it?" I asked.

"6 in the morning" Haley replied still looking in my eyes, I looked back into her eyes we stayed like that for about 5 minuets until she looked away and walked towards the bathroom. I heard her turn off the bath and smelt some lavender oil.

"baby your baths ready" Haley said from the other room. I stood up carefully and stumbled towards the bathroom. I garbed onto the side of the bath as the room started to spin. Haley held me up supportively.

"I'm okay" I stuttered as she let go of me.

"call me if you need me okay baby" Haley said as she walked out of the bathroom and closed the door behind her. I got in the bath and immediately felt calmer. I had forgotten how much I loved bath's since we moved.I washed my hair and body and got out of the bath. I walked back into the room, Haley was dressed in a guns and roses crop top and very short black ripped shorts. god she looked so hot, I smiled at her as she pointed over to the bed where she had put out my favorite white Hollister crop top and denim shorts, they where very ripped and you could seen the bottom of the pockets from the end of the shorts. I got changed and sat in front of the mirror, Haley straightened and dried my hair whilst I did my makeup. Andie and Tegen had woken up by this point. and had gone to boys room to tell them to hurry up because they were always late.

we made it down to breakfast on time even though I wasn't hungry Haley insisted that we came down (also she was craving pancakes). we sat down at our usual booth with everyone, every got Pancakes except me.

"I cant believe we've gone this long without ordering the pancakes!" Milo said with a mouth full of Nutella pancake in his mouth. we all laughed except me, Haley looked over at me concerned.

"here have one of my pancakes just so your eating something" Haley said as she put one on a small plate for me. she looked into my eyes with so much love. I laid my head on her shoulder and closed my eyes.

"your the best" I said as she ran her fingers through my hair.

"wow I did a good job straightening your hair" she joked before planting a kiss on my head. I laughed.

"you did"

an hour later we arrived at the Louvre, I loved the contrast of the old looking building and the modern triangles that stood outside. Haley held my hand as I stood there looking around amazed.

"okay everyone listen up" everyone who was outside stared at Mrs Lavender "not everyone I mean umm my students listen" she continued turning a rosy red In color. " you have 4 hours to go exploring. have fun and stay in your groups. meet back here after" we all walked towards the Louvre, we stopped and looked around. we decided to walk towards the Mona Lisa. we arrived after around 30 minuets because we kept getting lost. Tegen got out her phone and started taking phots of it, it was smaller then you would have thought It would be. there were also an insane amount of people, I don't like people so Alex stood far back with me. we chatted for a bit, Alex was the most hilarious person ive ever met.

"is that it?" Andie asked almost shocked, Tegen playfully hit her on the arm.

"I cant believe you just said that Andie" Tegen said shocked.

we were walking round the Louvre when the room started to spin slightly. I ignored that and carried on walking when the room started to spin even more.

"Haley.." I said shakily as I stumbled she turned around.

"Baby what's wrong?" she asked as she stepped towards me, the started to spin even more.

"I-I d-d-don't fe-e-el well" I mumbled as my vision became corrupted with black dots. the last thing I heard was Haley screaming my name when my legs gave in and I fell to the floor. at first all I could see was black then the nightmare kicked in. it was the same one as last time. Haley was on the floor surrounded in blood, I was holding her dead body in my arms dying my clothes in her blood. my tears fell down my cheeks and landed on her face. I heard someone walk up behind me but I didn't care I was too overcome with grief to care. I felt the cold, sharp blade of a knife cut into the back of my neck. I didn't scream, I just let it happen.

I woke up staring at a ceiling, the lights burned my eyes. it was quiet. I opened my eyes more and moved my head a bit to see the faces of my friends and teachers huddling around me. I was Lying on Haley, she stroked my hair comfortingly.

"hey there" she said calmly smiling at me.

"what happened?" I asked confused and Haley sat me up even more.

"you fainted and I caught you. you were out for 10 minuets" she explained as she planted a kiss on my forehead. they let me sit there for a bit until everyone helped me walk towards a small café. Haley sat down with me as Mr Smith lead the others away. 'to give me some peace' he said earlier. Mrs Lavender brought me a sandwich and some water.

"eat those hunny and I'll come and get you two in about half an hour." she said before walking towards the others and Mr smith. I ate the sandwich and had some more paracetamol. after I finished Haley kissed and hugged me.

Later that night we packed away our stuff as we were leaving the next day. we listened to Maggie Lambert and YUNGBLUD as we danced around our room. I was feeling a lot better. we had a small party until around midnight then we decided to get some sleep. Haley wrapped her arms around me and we all fell asleep.

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