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Hello! I'm Laika, it's nice to meet you! So before we get started I wanted to mention a few things.

The first is that although I've been writing stories for a while, this is my first time sharing my work publicly. This is also my first ever fan fiction, so I'm sorry if it doesn't quite fit the style or if the story moves too slowly. I hope that as I continue to write I'll grow in my fan fiction writing abilities, so until that time please bear with me. I am open to all feedback, criticism, and corrections so please let me know how I can improve and what I can fix.

Secondly, I am not very familiar with BTS since I only got into them recently. I'll do my best to stay true to the actual facts, but there's only so much research I have time for, so I would very much appreciate any info you can give me that will help the story's accuracy.

One more thing! Although this is a Taekook story, my original intent was to create something that imagined what could be, which means that this story will also include a recounting of events from my imagination. I'll explore the relationships between members, personal friends and difficulties characters might have, and the ups and downs BTS went through. I would like to do something similar to a very loose biography (is there a word for that in fan fiction?). I don't know how far I'll go, but that's the foundation I'm trying to set, so know that the story will probably be pretty slow! Again, as I get used to fan fiction that may change, but for now this is my best.

Alright, I think that's about it. Thank you for reading this far, and I hope you enjoy the story!

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