Chapter 2: Noodles

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"Hoseok, you're not eating your vegetables."

"Here! You can eat them for me!" Hoseok pushed his plate towards Jin, after taking one more chopstick full of noodles and meat.

Jungkook watched them from the other side of the table. Min Yoongi, the other rapper, sat quietly on the inside of the booth, staring down at his food and not even glancing at the other members. Namjoon sat on the outside of the booth in a chair, and Jungkook could see the light humor in his eyes.

"Hoseok, how are you going to grow big if you don't eat your vegetables?" Namjoon leaned forward to grab the soy sauce, temporarily obstructing Jungkook's view. Ignoring Hoseok's protests, he turned to the young teen sitting next to him. "So, Jeongguk, you're planning on using the name Jungkook, right?"

Jungkook looked up from his noodles and bobbed his head in agreement.

"What made you choose Jungkook as your name?"

Jungkook paused to consider. "It's simple."

Hoseok leaned forward. "I think I want something with 'Hope' in it."

"I'm going with Rap Monster." Namjoon smiled.

"Right, right! I remember that." Jin said.

"Because Namjoon is so good at rapping." Hoseok smiled appreciatively.

Yoongi looked up for the first time. "You should change your name to Rap Monster in the group chat."

"You're right. I should do that. Oh! That reminds me, we still need to add you." Namjoon his phone over to Jungkook. "Enter your number in here."

As Jungkook entered his number, Hoseok turned to Jin. "What about you?"

"Uh..." Jin trailed off. "Maybe I'll just stick with Jin. What about you, Yoongi?"

Yoongi just shrugged as Jungkook returned Namjoon's phone.

"Great! Now we can all talk any time we want." Namjoon smiled and tucked his phone into his jeans.

"When will you be moving into the dorm?" Jin asked.

"Next Saturday."

"Good. The apartment feels a little empty. I'll cook you a welcome dinner when you come, if you'd like." Jin said.

Jungkook grinned. "Thanks."

Hoseok looked at Jin accusingly. "You never made me or Yoongi a welcome dinner."

Yoongi shrugs. "Don't want it. Ask him to make you dinner tomorrow if it bothers you."

As they continued talking, Jungkook lost track of the conversation, instead focusing on how the other members might perceive him.

He knew that he was younger than all of them by at least a few years, but he hoped that that wouldn't affect their opinions of him. He paid special attention to Hoseok and Jin, his fellow vocalists. He got the sense that Hoseok was overly dramatic and energetic. Jin, on the other hand, was kind and calm and maybe a little lost sometimes.

For the other two members, Jungkook was equally appreciative and apprehensive. Namjoon was everything Jungkook had hoped, and more. Out of all the members, Jungkook was most apprehensive about Yoongi. He would have to be careful not to offend the quiet rapper.

Oh well. That was tomorrow's problem, so for now he just enjoyed being with the other members. And maybe, just maybe, he would become good friends with them one day.

What he didn't know was that he had yet to meet the one who would become so much more to him than just a friend.

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