Chapter 4: Taehyung (Part 1)

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The first thing Namjoon did after ending the phone call was lean against the wall in pure relief. He breathed in slowly. Everything just felt lighter now, like life was suddenly better.

After a moment, he pushed himself off the wall and reentered the living room, where the four other members were gathered, hanging out together before breakfast. "We have another member!"

Everyone looked up.

"The producer has had his eye on him for a while. We just confirmed it now. His name is Kim Taehyung."

"Is he from the spring auditions?" Yoongi asked.

"Yep! He actually didn't intend to audition. He was tagging along with a friend."

"So what's he like?" asked Jin.

"Well, he's 15 years old since December, so he's pretty close to you in age, Jungkook. We're thinking he'll be a rapper."

Hoseok smiled. "Can he dance?"

Namjoon nodded, understanding Hoseok's concerns. "I don't think he's had any formal training, but from what I hear he'll pick it up quickly."

Hoseok sighed in relief. "Great."

"When is he coming?" asked Jin.

"Tonight, but really late, so we won't see him until tomorrow. They're processing his papers for school right now so he'll probably hang around the dorm all week. Maybe we can all go out on Saturday and show him around town."

"Yes! We can take him to that noodle place we took Jungkook to." Hoseok smiled brightly at Jungkook, who hid behind his bangs and looked away.

Yoongi groaned. "I think I'll pass."

Namjoon frowned. "Yoongi, you should come."

"No, go without me. I have things to do."

When Namjoon looked ready to argue, Hoseok interrupted. "That's fine, leave him behind. If he doesn't want to go, he doesn't have to go."

Jin and Jungkook looked away uncomfortably. So far they there hadn't been any huge fights, but small things like this were inevitable. As much as Big Hit would like to, you can't pick and choose different people then expect them to work together. It takes time and effort for people of different backgrounds, life styles, and talents to work well together. And they weren't there yet. 

After all, Hoseok was a former street dancer. He wasn't used to putting up with anyone. If someone wanted to stay behind, he was going to let them.

Namjoon, on the other hand, was the leader and therefore responsible for BTS. He had an enormous pressure to make things work, but he had no idea how to do it.

But Jin was normal. The only reason he was there was because of his face, which probably put a lot of pressure on him because everyone else in the group had some kind of special talent. At the same time that made him a hard worker and a nice person to be around. Out of all the members Jungkook felt most similar to Jin.

And then Yoongi... Well, they didn't really know anything about him. He was quiet and didn't seem to know how –or even want– to fit into the group.

And all of the tension made Jungkook nervous and uncomfortable. It made what he had to say so much harder. But he had to do it. Hesitantly, Jungkook interrupted the conversation. "Um... I don't think I can make Saturday either."

Namjoon looked surprised. "Why not?"

"I'm supposed to visit my family this weekend."

A short silence permeated the room as the others mulled this over. Jungkook shifted uncomfortably, the silence grating against his ears.

"Aw! Jungkook is such a good boy, going to see his parents." Hoseok laughed and ruffled Jungkook's hair, breaking the tension in the room. Jungkook sighed in relief.

Soon the gathering broke up. Yoongi retreated to his workroom, saying he would eat later. He didn't. Not because he didn't want to eat, but because he preferred to be alone with his work. Jin and Hoseok ate in the common room, then lazed about on their phones for the morning. Namjoon took breakfast to his room and began checking on Taehyung's arrangements, making sure the transition would go as smoothly as possible. Jungkook slipped out and got breakfast at a local cafe. As soon as he returned he slipped into his room. He went to bed early that night, preparing for his long day tomorrow. 

Because he was asleep he didn't notice when Taehyung arrived at 11:23 pm, tired and sleepy.

He got out of the taxi and breathed in the cold night air. In the distance he could hear the heavy breathing of cars. Otherwise all was still. His feet scattered a few stray pieces of gravel, and the naturally small sound was magnified by the quiet. He opened the trunk and retrieved his suitcase, two boxes, and a large paper bag, then the cab drove off into the night. He tucked the boxes against the building before entering. Big Hit had mailed him an extra key, which he slid into the keyhole. Taehyung slipped into the dorm and turned on the light. The main space was small and consisted of a few old couches, a low coffee table, and an open kitchen area. One of the first things Taehyung noticed was a slip of paper lying on the counter top. Picking it up he found a note. It read like so:

Dear Kim Taehyung,

Welcome to the BTS dorm! We can't wait to meet you tomorrow and will be happy to provide details and discuss sleeping arrangements then. For now I assume you're tired and want to sleep. There's a free bed in Yoongi's room: second on the left down the hallway. If you've brought perishables the fridge is a communal space. We also cleared out a shelf in the cupboard and labeled it with your name.

Sleep well! -Namjoon

Taehyung frowned for a moment, trying to remember who Namjoon was. He soon gave up; he was tired. For now he would make use of the information. It was a good thing he had a shelf for food, since his parents had insisted on sending plenty of fresh food from their farm. He quickly emptied the paper bag, then folded it and tucked it in the back of his shelf. He then retrieved the boxes and cautiously approached the door to "Yoongi's" bedroom. He opened the door quietly, but apart from the two beds pushed against either wall and a few dressers, the room was seemingly empty. The bed on the right was slightly ruffled and a beanie hung on a corner, so Taehyung put his things by the left bed, which was untidy but had clean sheets. Taehyung smiled, imagining strange faceless boys wrestling with sheets and comforters.

Quickly he found the bathroom and got ready for bed. Soon Taehyung was asleep.

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