Chapter 1: The New Member

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It was a pretty, cheap kind of gold. The kind that you know is just a thin layer of paint, but nonetheless fascinates you. The depths within it reflected vague shapes and hidden figures, testament to the movement around it.

Encased in the ring of gold was a small piece of glass. If the glass was held up to the sun, it would be clear. As it was –embedded in an old doorbell of an aged front door of an old building– splashes of light, blue, and green could be seen in it, depending on where you were standing.

All in all, the doorbell was strangely beautiful. And to a certain person it represented an obstacle of dizzying heights.

Jungkook took a deep breath. He had good reason to be nervous. Because behind the door was the reason Jungkook joined Big Hit. Someone whose performance was so inspiring Jungkook joined a small label just to be a part of the same company. And now he was going to meet him. His name was Kim Namjoon.

Hesitantly, he reached forward to ring the doorbell. Here goes nothing, he thought to himself.

He rang the doorbell. The door swung open. Jungkook was in awe.

"Hi. I'm BTS's newest member."


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Sh*t. Namjoon thought to himself. The word felt good in his mouth, so he repeated it a few more times. Sh*t, sh*t, sh*t!

He ran a hand through his hair and sat down on the edge of his bed.

The situation wasn't actually that bad, but he could think of better circumstances for meeting their newest member.

After all, what kind of impression do you get of your leader if you meet him when he's wearing nothing but boxers? Namjoon wondered what Jungkook thought of him.

Jeon Jeongguk, or Jungkook, 14 years of age, vocalist. He originally came from Busan until he auditioned for Superstar K at age 13.

After being cut from the competition, he was scouted by many companies before choosing Big Hit. He'd been working as a trainee for over a year. And now he was joining BTS, a hip hop group that Namjoon had poured the last year of his life into.

Namjoon sighed and rubbed his temple.

So he'd met Jungkook in his underwear. What of it? He couldn't change the past and Jungkook didn't seem particularly bothered by it. And now BTS's vocals set had three singers: Jungkook, Hoseok, and Jin. Now if they could just find another rapper...

Namjoon hoped to have BTS fully formed by fall. That way they could take some time to get used to each other and prepared for their debut. Summer auditions would be starting next month, and with luck they could find another few members there. Until then the only thing Namjoon could do was work with what he had.

Namjoon got out his phone and texted the other three members.


you guys all heard about our new member, right?




oh!!! That trainee you mentioned, right? He's a vocalist, isn't he?




wait, who is this guy?




I think he'll be going by Jungkook


so, did you meet him?




he came by the dorm while you guys were out


what's he like?


well, instead of telling you I thought we could get together Sunday night and you can all meet him


yeah! That sounds fun.


Where are we meeting?


let's go to that noodle place by the mall




can't wait!


sounds good


cool. I'll see you all then

Namjoon put his phone down and breathed in. They were one step closer. One step closer.

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