1.7K 72 7

Before we begin.

Know I don't know what the fuck I'm doing


Warning: Gore, eating a person. If uncomfortable skip until you see this: ★彡





A gruesome sight they would say— ugly and disgusting body fainting scene. He understood that, not everybody could understand the beauty of murder, or well- death.

Mark buried his head in the woman's shoulder, going crazy over the flesh and blood of the once alive human. It was normal sight to see him like this once a month, going absolutely psycho over raw flesh of a once alive human being.

"Mmm.." He hummed, getting a big gobble from the squishy flesh of the woman's forearm.

She is—was a fat lady, rich because of her many casino trips, known for her amazing dealing skills. She also was rich for selling cocaine in the nearby area to rich men and women. It was only natural she'd die from them.

Renjun and Mark always had an unspoken rule of only eating people who deserve to die, and that's what they had always done ever since they became friends and made this whole system up.

"So good.." He chuckles, eating more and more and more until the body's fleshy chunks were practically gone, till the body's flesh was ripped till the bone.

He threw his head back, laughing at the feeling of the tasty flesh going down his throat, the red blood dripping down his chin. To psycho's, they say its a beautiful gruesome sight.

But to Mark, it was what you feel that makes it beautiful, it tasted, felt everything amazing. The sight of the bloodied body sprawled across the floor of the walk in closet, excited him. It was as if nicotine was running through his veins.

The rancid smell of blood, along with the messed up body gives him pleasure unlike ever before.

After awhile of sitting there, Mark slowly sat up from his bent over postion, he snapped his head towards the window inside the small enclosed room. The moonlight shining the beautiful boy displayed in the middle of the room, who's eyes stayed sinisterly red. It was a beautiful sight, if it wasn't for the the harshly decapitated body splattered right beside his body, or well the blood dripping from his mouth or the same substance splattered across his cheeks.

Mark slowly but ever so gracefully stood up, giving one last glance at the body before him. He ended up leaving the room with a satisfying smirk, the woman's body left their to rot.


"You done?" Renjun asked. He was no longer in his vampiric form and looked like a normal Chinese teenage boy who merely sat there on the couch drinking coffee and reading the magazine. He hadn't taken a glance at the older as he asked the question, a typical Renjun thing to do.

He then looked up at the older, taking a sip from the white mug. "Hyung?"

"Oh, mhm. You got a good tasting one." The older replies, eerily as he licks the blood on his lips and hands, wiping off the blood on his cheek with the back of his palm.

Renjun merely laughs. "I know you like the fatter ones." Mark gave a chuckle as he gave a taunting smirk to the younger but as time gradually lengthen, it slowly dissipated in to a smile, his ghoul form slowly disappearing as he went back to the famous Mark Lee, one of the best rappers and song writers of SM Entertainment along with being an ace of NCT.

Suddenly Jisung barged in to the room. He squints at the stench of blood, eyes turning green symbolising the disgust he had for the metallic smell, as he could feel it latching on his tastebuds. It also shows how the young boy wasn't wearing his hazel brown contact lenses.

"I will never understand you love for blood." He shook his head at the two eldest members of Dream as to which the two laughs in reply.

"Anyways, why are you here, Ji?"  Jisung's eyes flash to black, symbolising fear and death and the two suddenly wished it was the former.

"You have to look at this." He said motioning for them to follow him, to see what was the problem.

The three of them made their way out to the living room, to be met with the sight of the others sprawled across the floor or couch with confusion, only Chenle seeming like he knew something, or what the hell was going on.

"What's going on?" Mark asks. The other boys turned around to smile at him.

Jeno, who had both ears and tail out along with his yellow eyes shrugs, laying his head on Jaemin's lap. "Jisung just told us to watch the news."

The older Chinese in the room pursed his lips in confusion. "Why though?"

"I don't care why, but it better be good, you interrupted my time relaxing in the water." Donghyuck grumbles, clicking his tongue in annoyance.

His hair was still wet, and scales still littered his arms, showing he had been in the tub earlier.

"Just look!" The banshee screeches at them, catching their attention as he points at the TV screen.

'The famous monster hunters of Seoul had set foot on Cheongdam-dong—

Collective gasps were heard from the boys. Eyes and ears perking at the television, showing the news reporters that were smiling as if this was some good news they need to cherish. If they boys weren't interested before, they were now.

— as recent reports of people going missing, being found dead have been going around, along with the sightings of monsters have been going around.'

'This is really great news for all of the people in Cheongdam-dong as these monster hunters have been able to track and find these monsters.'

'Yes it has, anyways moving on to the next topic. Idol IU supposedly dating?—'

Mark clicks the TV off and sighs in frustration.

"What will we do now." The phoenix asks, playing with the werewolf's ears. Mark frowns at the obvious hint of fear in his voice.

"We stay indoors, no leaving unless we have schedules." Everyone turns to Mark with wide eyes.

"Hyung..." Jaemin whispers, his eyes hadn't glanced at him, but he had stopped playing with Jeno ears, earning a small puppy like whine.

Mark turned to look at all them, his coffee brown eyes flashing their vibrant red. "Are we clear on this. I don't fucking need all of you to get caught and die on me."

They all nod, understanding the situation. They're not gonna like it but it's for the best.

"It's clear."

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