Chapter 8

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The next day

'Eijiro kirishima the person I fell in love with is also the person who's my soulmate, how lucky am I?' I hold my hand up to block the sun coming through the windows. *ding!* I got a call on my phone. "Kiri?" "H-hey Baku!" "What do you want..." "Do you wanna hang out maybe?" I hesitated. "Yeah fine." "Ok great! Meet me at yoyogi park ok?!" "Wha-" "Ok see you in ten bye!" "What?"

Ten minutes later

I sat there in the park under a tree scrolling through insta to pass the time. "Baku!!" I looked up to see kiri calling for me. He stopped in front of me and laced down on the ground panting. "What took you so long?" "What?! I'm only like 5 minutes late or something!" "Still to long." He looked up and smiled a toothy grin at me.

"Hey Baku?" "What." "Are you... Mad that it's me?" I stared down at him. "How could I be mad?!" "Well it's just that you probably didn't want someone like me to be your soulmate so I just asu-" I grabbed his face making him look at me. "Kiri I couldn't be happier that it's you ok?! Now explain to me something." I looked him dead in the eyes. "Why are you always at blue or purple?!?" "I-I just.... I'm sorry.." He curled up putting his arms around his knees. "Why are you sorry?"

(Kirishima pov)

I leaned my head on my knees and rolled one of my sleeves up slightly so he could see all of the cuts I had on them. "K-Kiri..." His face looked terrified and worried. "Why?" I could see tears rolling down his face. "Baku I-" "Why?!" I leaned his head against my chest and rubbed his back with light circles letting him cry onto me. "You saw what I was going through didn't you?" "Yea but you can't do this!" I put my hand in his hair. "I'm sorry..."

About 5 minutes later and he finally calmed down. He looked up at me. "Kiri?" "Yea?" "I need you to promise me some thing..." "Ok what is it?" "Promise me you won't ever cut again!" I looked at him at him and smiled. "I already promised myself I wouldn't a while ago!" "Th-thank you." "Woah did the Bakugou just say thank you?!" "Yeah I did shitty hair got something to say to that?!" "Nope it's just surprising!" He grabbed my waist and pulled me into a hug.

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