A very cliche murder movie

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Bright's POV:

Oh shit! Smith is....... Dead! I.......can't believe it! Yeah he was a little bitch but he didn't deserve the death he ended up with! Jesus....... I-I'm going to be sick..... Oh god..... I.....oh lord.....

Narrators POV:

Pheasant stood up,Fear visible on his face, he brushed his hair out of his eye,revealing his dark irises. And looked at the researchers corpse
"T-the thing is........ Smith was shot in the forehead..... therefore......the murderer took their shot from over there..." Pheasant pointed over at the direction of the kitchen, where Demo,Brit and Asher were stood.
"You think this was me?!" Brit shouted at the boy,
"Well it wasn't me!" Demo screamed,
"Where did it come from?" Asher said, facing the wall.
"Well it can't be Asher.....She's blind..." Lawson said,
"But there's still the possibility of Demo and Brit being a murderer!!!" Sollice screamed.
"I-I'm getting the hell outta here!!!" Marshall screamed running towards the door again,bad idea... The door slammed shut in their face, the sound of locking was heard.
"Oh shit!"
"I-I can't die in here!!!"
"I don't wanna die!!!"
"Panic! Oh my god! We're all going to die!!!"
Bright watched panicked as the others argued and panicked around him.
"ALL OF YOU! BE QUIET FOR CHRISTS SAKE!!!" He screamed at the group. They all stopped what they were doing and looked over at him.
"None of you are going to die! Do you hear me?" They all nodded heads slowly.
"Now then..... I say we go find-"
"Hahahahahahahaha! Oh it's the Brightcult...... How amazing to see you panicking! If you all want to survive.... Some of you must die.... Five to be exact... Now then.....go figure out who..." A voice boomed from no-where.
"Shit....." Lady bright said for everyone....
They all knew what must happen....
Five more would have to die......
But who?
"I vote for Pheasant to go!" Lawson screamed out of no-where.
"WHAT?!" Pheasant screamed.
Sure enough they started arguing again...
"GODDAMNIT GUYS STOP!" Bright screamed. They all stopped again.
"They said five more people must die... The murderer wants us to argue..... Therefore we must stay away..."
"You're saying we split up?"
"W-What! No!"
They all looked at him with a face that said 'bullshit'
"Fine.....but we should go in groups of threes.....therefore if you have the murderer in your group..... The other two can overpower them...." Bright said...
The group all got into groups of three...
Matty, Lawson and Ember...
Brit,Demo and Rachel...
Bright,Marshall and Sollice...
Pheasant,Asher and LadyBright....
"Now then....LETS GET INVESTIGATING!!!!" Bright shouted as they all turned in opposite directions and went to investigate......
"This is like a very cliche murder movie..." Bright heard Lawson mutter.....
As Bright joined his group he had a terrifying thought:
What if there's TWO murderers???

The BrightCult murder mysteryWhere stories live. Discover now