Fight of the night

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Narrators POV:

Everyone rushed over the the security room to hear-
Demo kicked down the door and they all poured in, to see,
Shinigami Drowning Harry in a fish tank?!
Harry's body went limp and Shinigami disappeared in a flash,
"Where is the bloody bastard!?" Brit shouted as Lawson approached Harry's body,he checked in Harry's pockets,
"Guys!" Lawson shouted, he spun around, holding a phone up in his hands...
"He had a cellphone on him!!" The boy shouted,
"But there's a thing we're forgetting~" Lady Bright said quietly, stepping in front of Lawson...
"What would that be?" Rachel asked,
"THERE COULD BE MORE THAN ONE MURDERER!!!" She screamed, Stabbing the boy in the shoulder with a knife,
"AW FUCK!!!!!" Lawson screamed,holding his shoulder in pain. Sollice grabbed Lady Brights shoulder and stepped away....
"Ah, Snake boy~" Lady Bright said, chuckling darkly....
"Step away from him,that's a threat...." Sollice said in a low growl.....
"Are you against what I do?~" Lady Bright said in a low growl...
"Of course not..."
"Then die! ~" She said, Throwing the knife at him, Sollice stood his ground, scared but forcing himself to protect the others.
Suddenly- A large black snake emerged,grabbing the knife and throwing it away....
"I'd fuck off if I were you..." The snake said coldly....
Lady Bright growled as The others ran off,knowing Sollice had everything under control....
"Of course my dear Sollice,You must understand what I'm doing.....~" Lady Bright whispered.
"I don't think Oozma stuttered....."
Lady Bright threw another knife, rushing towards him, Sollice dodged, the snake re emerged,
"Is it a fight you want?" It said.
"Of course, I always love a good fight~" Lady Bright,now renamed to Hyde said darkly....
"THEN ITS A FIGHT YOURE GONNA GET!!!!" The snake said as Sollice darted towards her.....

To be continued......

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