a posh curse

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Matty's POV:

This place gives me the creeps...... I'm trying to stay calm but what if somebody in my group is a murderer?!
If Lawson is the murderer I wouldn't exactly doubt it but.... It could be anyone! Pheasant is almost pin it on Brit and Demo..... But Pheasant couldn't hurt a fly......Right?
I..... Hate this......
I wanna go home.....

Bright's POV:

This isn't funny anymore......It's just downright creepy now.... But then all murder mysteries are.......
"Hey Bright! I've found a...... Security room?" Sollice called from another room. I trotted up to see A load of camera feeds of other rooms, I could see the others,they all looked over their shoulders every now and then.... Must be scared bless them.... A door was heard opening as a man with blond hair and an expensive fur coat stepped in.
"Time for round tw- WHO THE HELL ARE YOU GUYS?!" He screamed in a posh voice.
"Could say the same back to you!" I shouted back. The man bolted to the control panel as he screeched:
"Round two BrightCult! Here we go! HAHAHAHAHAHA!"
He shouted into a mic as he pressed a button.
"WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!" Marshall screamed at him,
"WHAT DID THAT BUTTON DO?!" Sollice screamed...

Narrators POV:

The man turned around and grinned a devilish smile....
"I'm just doing my part!" He screeched.... Bright felt an anger boil inside him,sure,Smith was a little bitch but damn he shouldn't have been murdered!
"YOU KILLED SMITH YOU LITTLE BITCH!" Bright screamed at the man.
Bright punched the man in the jaw.
"Bright no!" Marshall screamed as she and Sollice restrained him.
"I'M GOING TO-" Bright screamed before being cut off by an excited scream.

The BrightCult murder mysteryWhere stories live. Discover now