Pheasant 2.0?

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Lawson's POV:


Narrators POV:
The others rushed to where Lawson was, Lawson, Matty, Ember, Lady-Bright, Asher where stood around-Pheasant?
That couldn't be Pheasant.......Right?
Pheasant was short but.......He wasn't That short.... and Pheasant didn't have cat ears!
"Pheasant..." Lawson said.
"What?" Pheasant said,
"You.Are.ADORABLE!" Lawson squealed as he patted Pheasants head.
"W-What?" Pheasant said in confusion. Asher grabbed Pheasants head and brushed her hand against his ear.
"Hol up something don't feel right..." She said.
"W-what was that?" The boy said. Bright tried to hold in his laughter when Marshall said:
"Neko Neko Neeee".
"Is there something I'm missing?" Pheasant said as Lawson picked him up by his shoulders.
"You're a cat-human-thing!" Lawson said letting Pheasants head.
"W-WHAT?!" Pheasant said.
"WHY AM I A CAT!?" Pheasant screeched as Lawson placed him back on the ground.
"I may have an answer to that..." A voice said. They all turned around as the owner of the voice stepped out of the shadows... A boy with dark blue hair and eyes walked up to them.
"Dr.Harry. First Person to arrive here. I'm here to help." The man said.
"That doesn't explain why oh I don't know,AM A CAT!" Pheasant screeched. Lawson patted Pheasants head.
"Awwww you're so cute when your mad!" Lawson said.
"I'm not afraid to bite yer ankles" Pheasant responded,
"As I was saying,I'm here to help. And I see that you are in a twist...." Dr.Harry said.
"Well is there a way to get rid of this?" Pheasant said and he pointed at his ears.
"All I know is that whatever gave you those ears came from the control panel...."Dr.Harry said, at that moment, Bright remembered the man in the fur coat.
"Him..." Bright muttered, Everyone turned to look at him,
"I know who did all of this." Bright said. A very serious tone in his voice.
"Really? Who?" Everyone asked eagerly.
"I don't know his name but he had some sort of Karen haircut,An expensive fur coat and sunglasses on..." Bright said, trying to describe the man he saw...
Lawson gasped....
"Guys......I know who the murderer is....." He said in a low voice...

To be continued UwU

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