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'•.¸♡   𝐋𝐎𝐒𝐒   ♡¸.•'

SAM HAD LOST A LOT IN HIS LIFE. He lost his hearing when he was four. His bird Oliver, that he loved deeply, had died a horrible death. His grandmother died from cancer when he was fourteen. His mother died due to hospital negligence after a car crash when he was sixteen. His dad followed two years later, leaving him with no one but his brother, who had been institutionalized ages ago.

He was twenty-one, and he wasn't sure if he could lose anything more, but like always, he was wrong. He could lose more and survive. Slowly pieces of him had been taken, and he learned to live with his broken pieces taped together. He hated how good he had gotten at it. He knew how to be ok and it made him sick.

He always knew that when a person died, the people closest to them were left to try and pick up the pieces and use them to put themselves back together again. He just never thought he'd have to do it so many damn times before he was even twenty-five.

Why do some people get to make it into their late twenties before they've lost anyone? Do they just not get close to people? Or do they have the perfect genes?

Whatever it was, Sam wanted it. He was tired of it and he was beginning to think he was going to outlive everyone he knew. Especially after the last loss.


SAM WAS BUSY WRITING HIS TERM PAPER. It was for his genetics class. He probably should have avoided any majors that had any necessary science courses that were more difficult than Chemistry, but what can he say? He wanted to be a doctor. Sam groaned as he rested his head on the desk. He was exhausted, but he only had two weeks to get the entire paper done, and his two weeks were busy, to say the least.

Sam felt a hand on his shoulder and looked up to see Grizz smiling at him. He gently placed his hand on top of Grizz's and gave his hand a gentle squeeze as he offered him a lazy smile.

"I take it it's not going well?" Grizz signed with a quirked brow as he glanced at the computer screen in front of Sam. It was mostly blank.

"Just tired," Sam signed in return, "And stressed."

"Take a power nap. I'll wake you when I get back," Grizz signed as he leaned against the desk.

"Where are you going?"

"Store. We are out of toilet paper and food."

"We have popcorn."

"Popcorn is not a meal, Sam."

"Whatever. I'm going to keep working."

"You sure?"  Grizz signed. Sam nodded. He really needed to get some part of his paper done. It wouldn't be much, but he needed a start, or else he might not start at all, "Love you."

"Love you," Sam returned with a smile as he turned back to his laptop. Grizz kissed Sam on the cheek before leaving the room. Sam said a quiet goodbye as he returned his focus to his paper.


SAM AWOKE WITH A STIFFNESS HE HADN'T FELT SINCE THE LAST TIME HE FELL ASLEEP IN THE CAR. He pulled his face off the keyboard slowly. His muscles felt like he hadn't moved in days as they tried to pull him up. He pressed the space bar on the laptop a couple of times, but it was no use, it was dead. He looked around for his phone but didn't see it. He pushed his chair back and spotted the blue iPhone on the floor.

It was two am. Meaning he had been like that for at least four hours, maybe more. He stretched for a moment before putting his phone in his pocket. He rubbed his eyes as he slid the door to the office shut behind him. He looked up to see the front door wide open. His eyes widened slightly as his stomach dropped. He walked towards the door and relaxed slightly when he saw Grizz's car outside.

He wrongly assumed that the big Grizzly bear of a stupid oaf had left their front door open. It wouldn't have been the first time. Once, a stray cat had come into their house and destroyed their couch as well as eaten a chocolate cake Sam had bought for Grizz's birthday. Suffice it to say, Grizz wasn't always the brightest crayon in the box.

Sam slowly pulled the door shut and locked it, "Babe, you left the door open again!" Sam said in a tone that was usually loud enough to get Grizz to come out from wherever he was, "Grizz!" Sam called again as he began to walk through the house. He turned into the kitchen and gasped loudly.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2021 ⏰

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