Taka gets mad (long chapter FOR ONCE)

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Mondo's POV

"Alright, I'll let them know," He says as he shuts the door. I go back to my room and call Leon. He answers "Hey wassup man?" He asks. "I'm gonna give you one chance to answer this correctly," I say gravely. "Woah are you okay man?" He asks. "What's the question?" "What did you do to Taka a year ago" "I-I" "ANSWER THE GODDAMN QUESTION LEON" "I bullied him that's all" "How did you bully him" "I-I" "LEON" "I like- Just, pushed him against lockers and stuff" "And?" "That's all" "I already know the answer so you'd better tell me the truth before things get bad" "Mondo- I-I gotta go man" "Alright just know I know where you live," I say as I hang up. 

Leon's POV

Did that freakazoid tell Mondo what I did to him that day? Oh, he's IN for it the next time I see him. 

Mondo's POV

I run to Leon's house. I knock on his door and his mom answers. "Hey, Mondo are you here to see Leon?" She asks. "Yeah, I was wondering if you could bring him outside because I have to talk to him," I ask. "Yeah sure," She says as she grabs Leon and brings him outside. "Okay you two have fun," She says as she closes the door. "Hey, Mondo" I bring him to the back of the house. I punch him square in the chest. "WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU" I yell at him. "I-" I don't even listen. I punch him again. "Just know" I punch him again. "I have connections," I say as I walk to my bike. Then for some reason, I see Taka standing right in front of me. "what did you just do to him" He asks me. "I-" I stutter. "Mondo I'm not mad" "Never mind," He says as he gets in his car. "Taka wait!" I exclaim. he rolls down the window. "Yes Mondo" "I did it for you" "For me"?!?" "You did something terrible like that, FOR ME?!?" "I-" "I can't believe you," He says as he drives away. "TAKA WAIT" I yell as I run after him. He speeds up and I lose him. "T-Taka," I say tears building up in my eyes. I run to my bike and drive home. I run into my room and slam the door. I yell into my pillow. Tears start flowing out of my eyes. Daiya walks in "Bro, you okay?" He asks. "I'm fine," I mumble from my pillow. "Wanna talk about it?" He asks, knowing I want to talk. "Yeah," I said. He sits next to me on my bed. "So what happened" "I think Taka left me" "Oh" "But he didn't say so though" He pats my back. "It's gonna be okay I'm sure he's gonna come back" "You think so?" "Yeah bro, I know so!" "Thanks, Bro"

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