Chapter 1

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In this chapter Y/n is wearing the uniform commanders wear. Next chapter he will have his pirate outfit


I walked through the corridors of the Azur lane base, on my way to breakfast.

As I walked, I greeted a few ship girls and some of the commanders who didn't hate me.

As I reached the cafeteria, I grabbed some breakfast and sat down to one of the girls in my fleet, Enterprise.

Y/n: good morning Enterprise

Enterprise; good morning commander. Did you have a good sleep?

I nodded.

Y/n: i did. I hope you did as well, we got a large mission today

She smiled, nodding.

I heard someone else sit down to my left, seeing the sleepy face of Laffey.

I smiled at her, patting her head as she leaned on my shoulder.

Y/n: good morning Laffey

Laffey; Laffey is still tired

Y/n: you're always tired

Time skip

I checked the satchel I had on me, the few wisdom cubes inside glowing.

I always keep a few on me, just incase.

Right now, I stood on a ship, one of the 2 ships commanders stayed on.

The problem was this ship had the ones who hated me.

Why? It's cause most of the girls who where at the Azur Lane base liked me a lot. Some of the other male commanders were jealous, but the were able to put it aside and still be friendly, only acting on it if I over stepped my boundaries, which I made sure not too.

The ones on this boat weren't like that. They all despised me for it, always staring daggers at me.

Lucky me, am I right?

After a good amount of fighting, the action of it slowed down, turning from a straight attack into a waiting game.

The Sirens and Crimson axis were regrouping somewhere. We had no clue where they were right now, but they were near.

I looked out into the ocean, the sea being rougher than normal.

It made me grow a bad feeling about what was about to go down.

But I shouldn't have been worrying about the enemies in front of us.

I should have been worrying about the ones behind me.


I froze in place, lifting a hand to my stomach.

I looked down, seeing blood oozing from the gun wound.

I turned around, seeing Commander George pointing a gun at me as the others watched with smirks.

Y/n: why did you shoot me. Are we not allies?

Commander George: We're tired of you Y/n

Y/n: oh? How so?

Commander Kyle: you steal all the hot women from us. So, we're taking them back. Can't wait to pound the pussy of Enterprise

I felt my eye twitch, as I gave a small smirk.

Y/n: if you touch her, you will die. It doesn't matter how, but I will kill any of you if you lay a hand on my fleet

George cocked the gun once.

Commander George: well, they won't be your fleet anymore

He shot the gun 3 more times, hitting me in the chest, one going straight through my heart.

I fell backwards, barely conscious now.

A few commanders walked over to me, picking me up and throwing me overboard.

My body then started to sink to the bottom of the ocean.

I looked up, seeing them all smirking as they looked at me.

I suck to the ground, the bullet wounds, lack of oxygen and sea pressure killing me.

I then hit the sea floor, seeing myself inside a shipwreck.

The world finally start to turn black, but I saw a blue glow appear right before I died.

Time skip
Enterprise POV

I fell to the ground, crying, as one of the commanders told us Y/n was dead.

The commander who told me said they had been ambushed by a siren, Y/n trying to flee as they had to fight it off.

He said Y/n was killed by the siren just before it left and they all cursed him for being a coward.

But it can't be true. He would never have fled.

But he was gone, dead somewhere at the bottom of the ocean.

Later I found out the rest of the girls in his fleet hadn't taken it well either.

But I couldn't believe it. My commander, the one I loved was gone.


The Betrayed Pirate: Betrayed Reader X Azur Lane HaremWhere stories live. Discover now