Chapter 1

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It was a very long drive to the new house. Inside the car were a married couple and their teenage son. The husband was driving while his wife was sitting in the passenger seat and his son was in the back scowling out the window.

The husband had spikey brown hair and brown eyes that were concentrating on the road. His wife had spikey ash-blond hair and crimson red eyes she was looking in the back seat to check on her son to see him still scowling out the window.

Their son was about 15 years old and if you looked at him and his mom at first glance you would mistake them for twins because of how much he looked like his mother. His name was Katsuki Bakugo, and he was not happy about moving to their new house he wouldn't admit it to anyone but he really misses his old town. He stared out the window passing tree after tree the sun hitting his face a few times making him scowl even more.

Time had passed, the car was starting to approach their new house Katsuki looked up at a sign that read 'Pink Palace Apartments' and he looked at where he'll now be living for probably his whole life.

The house was definitely called Pink Palace for a reason, the appearance of the house kinda reminds you of a palace and the walls were pink, which made Katsuki cringe at it. The moving van soon caught up and the three got out of the car. Mitsuki told(well more like demanded)Katsuki to get his luggage out of the car which resulted in her being yelled back by her son which then led to a yelling match between the two. Poor Masaru tried to maintain peace between his wife and son while the movers looked at them with concern and fear.

Katsuki refused to put his luggage in his new room so he just left it around the front doorway and walked around the forest not really caring where he's going he just wanted to get away from his parents and new house. So far he was just alone walking up a pathway but then stopped dead in his tracks when a few rocks fell down in his way signaling that someone or something was there around him, he was already in a bad mood so he picked up the rock and threw it back at where it came from.

A loud roar/screech came from the rocks scaring the shit out of him not wanting to know what he hit he ran up the pathway. He ran until he was sure he was far enough from that spot and continued his walk.

As he walked all of a sudden he heard a voice coming from below him. He looked down from the edge and saw someone. It was a boy about his age with messy green hair, white silky skin, green eyes, and freckles wearing a raincoat, yellow rain boots, and black gloves. He was going in circles while chanting what sounded like a spell holding some weird looking stick. Katsuki got to where the boy was "What the fuck are you doing!?" He yelled.

The boy jumped and screamed a bit completely startled by the ash-blond male "Oh nothing! Wait are you new here? Because I've never seen you around here before and it is a small town and..." the green hair male was rambling which started to piss off Katsuki "Can you shut the fuck up!?" He yelled at the boy "Oh was I rambling!? sorry, it's a habit of mine!" The boy squeaked suddenly a cat appeared next to the boy as if he was trying to protect him it had black fur and black eyes. Katsuki looked at it then at the boy "You and your cat are weird" He commented "Uhh he's not really my cat he's a stray you know wild, but I do feed him every night sometimes he brings me something back" the boy explained while petting the cat making it purr.


A loud air horn came out of nowhere scaring the living shit out both males. They looked up at where the sound came from. Someone on a motorcycle looking bike then came down the hill the person was wearing a mask that had some kind of goggles on them the design was a smiling skull the person was wearing a long black trenchcoat with black skinny jeans, black gloves, and black boots. The bike was going so fast that the boy stumbled back when the person took the weird-looking stick away from him.

The person got on top of a tree stump looking at the two boys, Katsuki was frozen in place shocked and staring at this mysterious person. Suddenly laughter came out of the person as the stranger took off their mask revealing the stranger to be a girl. She had pale skin, blue hair, and ocean colored blue eyes. She was laughing hysterically "I GOT YOU GOOD HAHA!!!" She laughed. The boy pushed the girl but not so hard that she would fall "THAT WASN'T FUNNY!!!" He yelled at her.

The girl calmed down and just giggled "Sorry Izuku I couldn't help myself" she apologized, but then she took notice of Katsuki "Oh who's this?" She asked the boy "Oh I didn't introduce myself! I'm Izuku, Izuku Midoriya but everyone calls me Deku and this is my friend Mizuki Saito but they call her Mizzy," the girl now he knew as Mizuki waved at him. Katsuki glared at them while crossing his arms "Katsuki" he finally spoke, "KATsuki what?" Mizuki asked "KATSUKI! KATSUKI BAKUGO!" Katsuki yelled at her "Okay sorry geez" Mizuki saw in the corner of her eye Deku looking down the hill at the Pink Palace "Is that where you're moving?" Mizuki asked Katsuki and he nodded.

"Huh I'm surprised they let you move in," Mizuki said as she got off the tree stump and walked over to where Deku was, same with Katsuki "What the fuck do you mean?" He asked the two "Because my mom, she owns the Pink Palace and she doesn't rent it to people with kids-" Deku was cut off by Katsuki "I'M NOT A KID I'M A TEENAGER!!!" Katsuki yelled "Okay sorry! Kids and teens or well young people" Deku quickly said, "Are you always going to be this rude?" Mizuki asked and in response, Katsuki took the weird-looking branch away from her. "I'll take that as a yes," she said sarcastically before turning to her friend "So did you find it?" She asked and Izuku nodded his head.

The three were back at where the tree stump was "What the fuck were you two even looking for!?" Katsuki asked "An old secret well" Izuku answered, "Then where the fuck is it!?" Katsuki asked and stomped his leg "Stomp too hard and you'll fall in it" Mizuki said warning him.

Bakugo looked down and moved out of the way, Mizuki got down and dug through the dirt revealing a wooden trap door "See? Deku could you get the-" "On it!" Deku called out holding a large muddy stick he puts it under the trap door and opens it "It's supposed to be so deep, if you fell to the bottom and looked up, you'd see a sky full of stars in the middle of the day."

"Uh-huh," Katsuki says looking down in the well Mizuki then closed it.

"IZUKU!!!" A female voice screamed from afar "I think I hear someone calling you IZUKU" Katsuki mocked. Izuku and Mizuki were frozen in place "Uhh I didn't hear anything!" Izuku lied "Oh I heard someone DEKU" Katsuki mocked Izuku's nickname.

"Deku it's your mom!" Mizuki whispered to her friend, they both chuckled nervously and got on Mizuki's bike "Well, it was nice meeting you I guess" Izuku said giving Mizuki her mask since it was also a helmet, Mizuki puts it on but before she did she gave Deku one too "Oh by the I'd wear gloves next time if I were you" Mizuki said showing off her gloves.

"And why the fuck would I do that!?" Katsuki growled, Deku then chimed in "Because the stick you took from us uh it's poison oak" "EGH!!!" Bakugo immediately dropped the stick he was holding and wiped his hands on his shirt as the two biked away.

Bakugo growled as the two were now far away, then saw the same cat giving him a look "The fuck are you looking at wuss puss!?" Bakugo yelled and the cat just stood there meowing. He went to the well looking through the little hole kinda amazed at how dark and deep it looked by the time he got up it started to rain which made him run back to the Pink Palace.

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