Chapter 2

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The next day came and it was still pouring outside. Katsuki stood there at the kitchen sink staring out the window scratching his now infected right hand 'Why the hell did I think it was a good idea to grab that stick from those weirdos!?' He thought to himself. His mom was at the table typing away on her laptop not really listening to what her son was saying. "I almost fell down a well yesterday." His mom just hummed in response "I could've died!" Katsuki slightly yelled, again his mom just hummed in response.

Katsuki growled to himself, "Can I go out? The weather is perfect for being outside!" Bakugo said, his mom shook her head "No Katsuki rain makes mud and mud makes a mess." "Oh come on I want to do something when those idiots come to visit! Isn't THAT why we moved here!?" Katsuki yelled at his mom "Something like that Katsuki but then, we had the accident" she shows her bandaged hand "It wasn't my fault you hit that truck!!!" "I never said it was!!!" His mom yelled.

"This is stupid! you and the old man get paid to write about clothes and fashion, yet you hate sewing!" Katsuki growled while scratching his hand "Katsuki, I really don't have time for you right now, and you still have a lot of unpacking to do LOTS of unpacking!" His mom yelled, "Wow that's sooooooooo exciting!" Katsuki said sarcastically.

Mitsuki rolled her eyes "Oh by the way some kids left this on the front porch" she said handing Katsuki an item that was wrapped in newspapers with a folded paper attached to it. Katsuki took it and read the note.

"Hey, Katsuki look what me and Mizuki found in my mom's attic! Does it look nice?


Bakugo rolled his eyes and unwrapped the newspaper covered item. It was a doll........but it looked like him! It had ash blond spiked hair, a black shirt with a skull on it, jeans, and brown shoes. Katsuki was staring at it in confusion "Weird" was all he could say "What are their names by the way?" His mom asked "Mizuki and Izuku," He said dropping the newspapers on the floor "I'm WAY too old for dolls" He said cringing at the little thing before leaving the kitchen.

Katsuki walked into the office to find his dad typing away on the computer "Hey Dad!" Katsuki tried to get his dad's attention "Dad!" Masaru finally turned to his son "Oh hey Katsuki" he turned back to the computer and started typing again "Do you know where the sport equipments are?" Katsuki asked, "Huh? Isn't it pouring outside?" "It's just raining!" Katsuki rolled his eyes "What did your mother say?" "DON'T EVEN THINK ABOUT GOING OUT KATSUKI BAKUGO!!!" Bakugo yelled imitating his mom's voice "Then you don't need the sports equipments" Masaru said calmly, Katsuki groaned in annoyance.

As he was leaving he slightly moved the door that made a creaking noise, grinning he started messing with the door making that annoying squeaky sound. Masaru was trying to ignore it at first but it got too annoying and he sighed "You know Katsuki," He said turning around to face his son "This house is over a hundred years old" Katsuki lets go of the door "So?" His dad gave him a notepad and pencil "So go explore it, count all the doors and windows and write it down, list everything that's blue just, LET ME WORK!" Masaru said in frustration before typing again.

Katsuki rolled his eyes and growled "Tch! Whatever" he left the room.

Katsuki's exploration was boring as hell right now he was walking down the stairs and jumped down finally evening out the stupid rug. The door that leads to the boiling room opened, he entered to only find a very rusty heater he wrote it down and left....not without pressing one of the buttons in the room which made the electricity go out and his dad screaming because it turned off the computer and he was almost done with his work. 'Shit!' Katsuki said in his head and pressed the other that turned the electricity back on.

Katsuki walked into the den and there was nothing but 3 or 4 moving boxes some open some closed. Putting down the doll on the coffee table he wrote down the 'Four INCREDIBLY BORING windows' Bakugo walked over to the table but stopped when he saw the doll was gone "You've got to be kidding me!?" Bakugo started looking for it and found it........but it was behind a huge box "What the!?" He said to himself when he moved the box out of the way and...

A small door was there......

"Hey, old hag where does this door go!?" He yelled out to his mom "I'm really REALLY busy Katsuki!" She yelled back from the kitchen "Hey I think it's locked!!" No response "COME ON OLD HAG!!!" Katsuki yelled, Mitsuki sighed and got off her laptop, she walked into the den and looked at the door then at her son "Will you stop bothering me if I do this for you?" Mitsuki asked annoyed, Katsuki nodded "Fine!" Mitsuki went back to the kitchen and opened the drawer that had all of their keys...Mitsuki found this one particular was black with a button design on the end of it. She went back to the door and ripped the wallpaper outlining the small door.

Katsuki looked at the door hiding his excitement, his mom puts in the key and unlocks the door.....

Katsuki's excitement immediately dropped "Bricks!?" He yelled in disappointment, inside the door was a wall of bricks, Bakugo was so disappointed but he didn't show it "I don't get it!" "They must have closed this off when they divided up the house." His mom said with an annoyed tone, "Yeah right! Then why is the door so small!?" Katsuki yelled "WE MADE A DEAL! SO ZIP IT!!!" His mom yelled and left. Katsuki watched her leave then smirked, "YOU DIDN'T LOCK IT OLD HAG!!!" He yelled "AAARRRGGGHHH!!" His mom yelled in annoyance then threw the key back in the kitchen drawer.

Katsuki looked at the door and closed it 'Some hope of excitement this turned out to be!' He thought angrily to himself.

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