Chapter 3

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Dinner time came around and Masaru was cooking for his wife and son. Masaru started serving which was cooked fried rice, steamed vegetables, and meat strips, Bakugo stared at his plate and pushed it away not wanting to eat "Why don't you ever make something actually good?" Katsuki complained, "We've been through this before, your dad cooks, I clean, and you just stay out of the way," Mitsuki said "Look I promise I'll go food shopping as soon as we finish the work" Mitsuki pushed Katsuki's plate back to him "Eat some of the vegetables they're good for you" Katsuki looked at the food in disgust "Hell no!" Masaru sighed "Well it's this or bedtime Katsuki so what's it going to be?" Katsuki got up angrily and stormed out of the kitchen.

Katsuki laid in bed after brushing his teeth and puts the doll on a chair that was next to his bed, as he laid there he looked at a picture that was on his nightstand and felt depressed. He took it and looked at while saying to himself "Don't ever forget about me guys..." in the picture was his old friends from his old school. There were 4 people in the picture 3 guys and 1 girl under the school sign that said "Goodbye Katsuki/Bakubro", one guy had red spiky hair and sharp teeth and was waving, another guy was blonde with a black lighting strike and was smiling like an idiot, the third guy had black hair barely above his shoulders and was also waving at the camera, and finally the girl had bright pink skin with very fluffy pink hair and was drowning in tears as she was attempted to wave at the camera.

Katsuki had never felt so homesick before he'd never admit it to anyone that he really did like his friends and his old town, but since his parents got a promotion they had to move to a new town and also pay off for the car accident.

Katsuki put the picture back on his nightstand, turned off the lamp, got comfortable in bed, and laid down falling asleep...

It was now midnight and Katsuki was still asleep....that was until he heard a loud thump making him wake up and look around for the source of the sound.


He realized it was coming from underneath his bed, very slowly he looked under the bed and saw.....a very small weird looking mouse.

Katsuki was staring at it in awe and before he knew it the creature ran away from under the bed and ran out of the room. Katsuki quickly got out of bed and tried to follow it, he couldn't see it but then heard a slight gurgling sound close to the stairs he quickly turned and saw the little thing and he chased after it running down the stairs but then lost it again 'God damn it I lost it again! Man, they're fast!' He thought to himself looking around the first floor trying to find the small thing.

He heard a slight gurgling noise again followed the sound 'Where is it!?' He yelled in his head he looked in the kitchen it wasn't there then near the front door and finally, he looked in the den and didn't see anything he sighed in frustration and turned to leave but then he the gurgling noise again and looked around trying to find it.

The creature was in front of him now staring at him while his tail wagged from side to side it's pitch black eyes staring at him, Katsuki stared back in awe never in his life would he thought he would see such a thing, especially in his new house. 'What the fuck is this thing?' He thought to himself, the creature then ran off and ran straight to the small door that was slightly opened. Katsuki ran to it and opened the door, he expected to see the creature cornered because of the brick wall but what he saw instead completely shocked him...

Instead of finding a brick wall there in front of him was some kind of tunnel, the colors were bright with a light purplish pinkish bluish color a gush of wind blew in his face as he stared in shock, "Woah what is this!?" He said to himself. He looked behind him to see if his parents were there but they weren't. Katsuki got on his hands and knees and started crawling into the tunnel.

As he crawled through this mysterious tunnel his mind was processing all this "Where does this tunnel go to? Am I actually dreaming or am I still awake? What's at the end of the tunnel?" So many questions were flooding his mind when he got close to the other side he stopped, "What if it's nothing and just some empty dusty room? I'm probably just wasting my time!" Katsuki was about to turn and crawl back but then he heard the gurgling noise again, immediately he turned back and saw the creature.

It was staring at him through the slightly opened door before it ran off they blew a raspberry at Katsuki and laughed in his face, he growled and immediately started crawling to the door now wanting to get his hands on the creature and strangle its' small neck "Get back here you little shit!" He yelled out in rage.

Katsuki opened the door and froze "What???" He was completely taken aback and was confused by what the room looked like he was looking around it trying to process all of this "This doesn't make any sense why am I back here!?" He said to himself. "How am I back here???"

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