Chapter 8

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By now it was the afternoon, Katsuki and his parents were driving to the place where his parents work while doing so he was telling them about his dreams again "And there was Snapdragons! Oh and upstairs I saw a cool mouse circus not the one from the crazy man in our house!"

"You sure you won't come honey?" Masaru asked his wife, Mitsuki neatly puts the papers into a binder and hands it to her husband "Don't worry Masaru they'll love the new writing, at least they'll like my chapters" Masaru nods and gets out of the car, Mitsuki turned to her son "I wouldn't call them crazy just delusional."

Masaru opened Katsuki's door saying goodbye to him and ruffles his hair to which Katsuki whines moving his hand away "Ugh STOP! I'm not a baby anymore!"

Masaru was hurt but he sighs and waves goodbye going inside the building.

It was quiet in the car, Mitsuki and Katsuki didn't talk to each other much as they drove to a clothing store, since Katsuki was going to start school soon they had to buy school supplies and his school uniforms.

Mitsuki was looking through the clothes hanging on their racks, while Katsuki sat on some stair steps nearby, not happy about this, as he sat there he noticed some gloves on a table next to the stairs. They had an orange black color scheme, stripes with grenade patterns. His mood changed, he took them and put them on smiling.

They were just his size, they fit perfectly

"MY KINGDOM!!!" A kid screamed while on a wheeled stool going down the stairs scaring the crap out of Katsuki "FOR A HORSE!!!" An older kid came running down the stairs yelling


Katsuki watched them as their parents dragged them away, he took the gloves putting them on and walks over to his mom waving them in her face, Mitsuki sighs "Put them back right now Katsuki" she said sternly, he frowned "Oh come on! The whole school is going to wear stupid boring uniforms! No one's going to have these!" He whines, she turned to him glaring "Put. Them. Back."

He growled and pouts, "My other mom would buy them for me" he snarled at his mom "Well maybe she should buy ALL of your clothes" she snarled back at him. He growled and took them off putting them back.

The car ride back home was quiet for a while until Katsuki spoke, "So what do you think is on the other side of the small door?" He asked "Probably people that we don't know," his mom responded "Then why did you lock the door?" He finally asked, confronting his mother, "Oh, I found some animal shit and I thought you'd be safer." She said which pissed him off.

"They're just MICE old hag! And the dreams aren't dangerous, they're the most fun I've had since we've moved here in this dump!" He exclaimed angrily "I'm sure your new school will be just as fun" his mom said trying to be reassuring but Katsuki wasn't having it "With those ugly uniforms!? Yeah totally fun!" He pouts.

Mitsuki sighs, she's tired of Katsuki's whines and hopes maybe today things will change "Still had to give it a shot."

They eventually made it back to their apartment and while getting out Katsuki complained that he was hungry, so his mom goes to the fridge while Katsuki brought in the bags, inside the fridge there wasn't much food because she forgot to go to the grocery store "Um how do you feel about a mustard ketchup salsa wrap for lunch?" She asked.

Katsuki turned to her with disgust "Are kidding me???" She sighs as she closed the fridge "Have to go food shopping anyways, your dad's planning a special meal tonight." She smiled, grabbing her purse "Disgusting" Her son mumbled, as she put her jacket back on she turned to him "Do you want to come along? You can pick out something you like," she asked "Oh, like the gloves..." He said looking away still upset that his mom wouldn't let him buy those gloves he really wanted.

She sighs as she opens the door "Look Katsuki, if things go well today I promise I'll make it up to you." She told him but he just frowns more at those words "That's what you ALWAYS say." He looked down not making eye contact with her.

She frowns, yeah she has said it before but she does keep her promises "I won't be gone for too long" she said before shutting the door and locking it as she left, Katsuki waited until he heard the car drive away making him smirk.

"But I might be" he immediately went to the draws in the kitchen looking around it for that particular key but couldn't find it anywhere, much to his annoyance, he turned and found it hanging on the wall above the kitchen doorway, she tried to hide the key from him huh?

He got a chair and stood on it as he grabs the key from the wall. He walks down the hallway into the den, and over to the little door, he puts the key in and turns it but while doing so he looked behind him checking his surroundings before he shuts his eyes tightly and opens the door.

He felt the familiar cold breeze hit him in the face making him open his eyes in shock seeing that familiar tunnel, grinning he whispered to himself "I knew it! It wasn't a dream" he got on his hands and knees crawling into the tunnel excited for what foods he'll eat this time, what activity he'll do with his other parents, and mostly what show they have planned for him in the other world.

Unbeknownst to him though, when he started crawling into the tunnel, a certain cat with his black eyes and a scar under it's left eyes was watching him from the window, he frowned growling as he got down from the tree he was on.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2022 ⏰

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