Chapter 4

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The room he was in was the den and looks just like the one from Katsuki's home. Katsuki was starting to growl "I knew I was just wasting ti-" he stopped himself when he smelled something good "Huh? What's that smell?" He walked to the kitchen.

His mom was there cooking, her back turned to him as she hummed Katsuki stared at her confused "Old hag what the hell are you doing in the middle of the night!?" His mom turned around "You're just in time for dinner Katsuki" she smiled.

Katsuki stood there in shock, this lady was not his mom! Sure she had the same hair, skin, and clothes.

What was completely different was that she had big shiny black buttons as eyes

"You're not the old hag, she doesn't have-!" Before Katsuki could finish his sentence the strange lady interrupted "Buttons for eyes? Hehe, do you like them?" She asked, "I'm your other mother silly, now go tell your other father that dinner's ready." she opened the oven lid and puts on her oven mitts.

Katsuki just stood there staring at her and trying to process all this, she turned to him "Go on, he's in the office" the other Mitsuki smiled. Katsuki very slowly turned to the hallway leading to the office and walked away 'What the fuck is this!?' He questioned himself. He reached the office door and opened it, he saw his dad but he was wearing weird pajamas and his back was also turned and was writing something "Dad!?"

The other Masaru turned around "Hello Katsuki" this man also had black button eyes and was smiling at him, Katsuki froze in shock 'Okay am I dreaming or something!?' He questioned himself, "What brings you here?" The man asked, "Uhh....well the old hag says it's time to eat..." Katsuki said slowly "Oh foods ready? Alright, who's starving? raise your hand" the other Masaru said in a laughing matter, at first Katsuki was about to say he wasn't hungry but then his stomach made a loud growling noise 'Well I did skip dinner a while ago...' Masaru chuckled and got up "Come on let's go eat."

Everyone sat down at the table and Katsuki couldn't believe all the food around him! sweet peas, dinner bread rolls, corn on a cob, a full chicken, and mashed potatoes. Katsuki took off the chickens leg and bit into it, immediately he made a humming sound "This chicken is good" he enjoyed the taste of the delicious meat.

"Quite hungry aren't you?" The other Mitsuki asked, Katsuki nodded and put a dinner roll and some mashed potatoes on his plate "Do you have any gravy?" He asked, "Well here comes the gravy train" the other Mitsuki responded, a small train came up to Katsuki's plate and poured gravy on his mashed potatoes, Katsuki was looking at it in awe.

"Want another roll? Sweet peas? Corn on a cob?" The other ash-blond woman asked, Katsuki shook his head, and with a mouthful of mashed potatoes he spoke, "I'm really thirsty." "Ah, of course, any request?" Katsuki was confused but when he looked up the chandelier now was holding containers of all kinds of drinks.

"Uhh, cola?" Katsuki responded and a container filled with cola was now in front of him, Katsuki poured some in his large cup and immediately started drinking it.

His plate was taken away and in front of him now was a cake, he looked down at it and suddenly on top of it words started forming and they spelled 'Welcome home!' in red frosting "Home?" he looked at them in confusion, the black button-eyed woman nodded her head "We've been waiting for you Katsuki!" the cloned Mitsuki said cheerfully "For me..?" Katsuki was a little freaked out but didn't say anything "Yeah, wouldn't be the same without you," the other Masaru said happily.

"I didn't know I had another mom and dad..." "Of course you do everyone does!" the other Mitsuki said in a tone that Katsuki never heard his mom use before. "And I was thinking that after we were done eating I thought we'd play a game" the woman smiled and started tapping her fingers on the table waiting for Katsuki to answer. Katsuki thought about it, 'Wow am I dreaming, or is this actually happening!?' he finally spoke after some thinking "Do you mean like playing catch?" He asked, "That's perfect! Playing catch in the rain." "What rain???" Katsuki asked.

Suddenly a loud thunder boomed outside and it was raining, "But what about the mud?" "We don't mind the mud," the other Mitsuki said while walking over to Katsuki "Didn't you know that it's great to cure poison oak?" She gently took Katsuki's infected hand. Katsuki quickly pulled his hand away shocked and confused, "How did you know!?"

There was a short silence before Katsuki got out of his seat "Well...I would like to stay but, I need to get back to my other parents." The button-eyed woman looked at him confused, "But we're your other parents!" "No! I mean my other, other parents! You know! My birth parents!"

They both looked at him, Katsuki sighed "I think I'm gonna go to bed..."

"Okay sweetie," the other Mitsuki said, her and the other Masaru escorted him to his bedroom "Wait but-" before Bakugo could finish his sentence his other father cut him off "Come along sleepy head," they walked up the stairs and into a room that was dark.

When they turned on the lights, the room made Katsuki's eyes widened. His bedroom was more colorful and prettier than the one he had at his old house. He suddenly heard voices coming from his nightstand and when he turned to look.

There the picture he kept on his nightstand, his friends in there from his old town were talking to him, "Hey Bakubro! Long time no see!" The boy with red hair yelled, "Bakugo! dude! Oh my God it's really you!" The blode one yelled "We've missed you so much!!!" The girl with pink skin yelled.

He ran over to his nightstand grabbing the picture and jumping onto his bed "How are you idiots doing!?" He asked and there was a long conversation, even though he will never admit it, he felt really happy seeing and talking to his friends.

He looked up and saw that his other mom had a jar "Give me your arm Katsuki," when Katsuki obeyed she put mud on his infected hand. Katsuki yawned and before he knew he fell asleep...

The sun started shining on Katsuki's sleeping figure making him toss and turn for a little bit until his eyes flickered open and he woke up from his slumber. He sat up yawning and rubbing his eyes. Katsuki looked around and he realized that he was in his actual room instead of the one in his dream.

'I fuckin knew it was a dream!!' He yelled in his head and then proceeded to scratch his infected hand only to realize that...

His hand was not infected anymore, he looked at it in confusion and saw that his hand had healed up, "Huh!? My poison oak is gone!?" He got out of bed and ran downstairs and into the den where the small door was.

He opened it and saw nothing but bricks...

"So that WAS all a dream..." he said to himself, "KATSUKI BREAKFAST IS READY!!!" He heard his mom yell from the kitchen.

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