Chapter 7

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Katsuki crawled out of the small door when he reached the other side and just like last night everything was the same except the walls were brighter and everything was clean. He heard humming coming from the kitchen and followed it as well as the smell of delicious food.

Once he got there to the kitchen there she was, the other mother, cooking and humming until she noticed Katsuki "Welcome back Katsuki," she greeted him smiling her button eyes looking at him. Katsuki walked over to her and waved a little "Hi," he said "So thoughtful of you to send this nice cheddar Katsuki." The other mother said going back to focus on cooking. "Cheddar?" Katsuki said to himself confused but then noticed her shredding cheese 'Oh! The bait I used!' He thought to himself.

The other Mitsuki looked over at him with a smile, "Would you go fetch your dad Katsuki? I bet he's hungry as a pumpkin by now." She chuckled, "You mean my other dad?" He asked. "You're better dad sweetie he's out gardening." "Huh!? But my parents have never gar-" Katsuki was interrupted by the other mother "Shush shush!" She then grabbed a strawberry from the fruit bowl and slightly stuffs it in Katsuki's mouth to which he was surprised but when he tasted the sweet strawberry he didn't complained "Yum," he took a bite before eating the rest of it "Go on," the other mother said gesturing Katsuki to go get his other dad.

Katsuki left the kitchen and headed outside, the outside looked even prettier than the outside in his world he stared at the sky and garden in amazement "Wow," was all he could say as he walked to the garden gate. He opened it and went into the garden and immediately saw how beautiful and colorful the garden was, he looked around in amazement and was smiling when he saw the plants until he noticed the other Masaru on a machine panting stuff "Hey!" He greeted him from a far.

Katsuki waved at him, until he felt something tickling his feet and he fell to the floor laughing, the little plants under him were tickling him so much that he couldn't form any words because he was laughing too much.

A silhouette appears and there stood Masaru chuckling on the machine designed to look like a praying mantis "Tickle no more dragon snappers," he chuckled and cuts the flowers off with the machine's claw.

Katsuki got up and took the bouquet of the dragon snappers "What brings you out here Katsuki?" He asked, "Um food's ready let's eat," Katsuki answered. Masaru scoots upwards on the machine "Hop on son I want to show you something," he gestures him to hop on with him to which Katsuki complied and got on the machine with him before he knew it they were flying up high and higher until they were looking down at the garden which revealed that the garden looked like Katsuki's face.

Katsuki stared down in amazement and was smiling then looked at the other dad "I can't believe you did this!" He said, "Well your mother said you'd like it for she knows you like the back of her hand." The man chuckled before flying back down to the ground.

They went inside and started eating together, "Mmm yum," Katsuki said through a mouthful of food while the other Masaru and Mitsuki ate, "Katsuki Mr. Sano has invited you to come see his jumping mice performance after eating." The woman said with a smile, "Really? Those 'know it all' nerds said that it was all in his head I knew they were wrong!" Katsuki laughed to himself.

"Well everything is right in this world Son." The other Masaru said before the other mother got up walking over to the door "Your dad and I will clean up while you and your FRIENDS head upstairs to watch the performance." She said. "My friends???" Katsuki said confused but then the other Mitsuki opened the door and he frowned.

There stood another Mizuki and Izuku "Oh great another pair of nerds," he groaned "Hello Deku and Mizzy," he said sarcastically, but they didn't respond they just smiled and waved at him. He stared in confusion "Uhh hello?" The woman then spoke "I thought you'd like it if they spoke a little less, so I fixed them up." She explained "So they can't talk at all?" Katsuki asked, "Nope." Katsuki blinked then smiled "I like it." The other Mitsuki smiled and escorted the three outside "Now run along you guys and have fun." She said waving.

The three walked outside heading to the stairs "Huh you two are surprisingly cheerful considering that you can't even say a word," They reached the stairs barely taking one step "Hey it didn't hurt when she-" Katsuki was cut off by Izuku pointing at the sky, up in the sky was a small little blimp flying towards the apartment door. They quickly started running up the stairs trying to catch up to it. "Whoa where did it go?" Katsuki said as they were now at the apartment door and the blimp disappeared.

Katsuki along with Deku and Mizzy knocked on the door, "Hello?" Katsuki called out, next thing they knew the door flipped bringing him, Deku, and Mizzy into the room making them land on their butts.

"Ow!" Katsuki yelped in pain but immediately was star struck by what he saw in the room, small little cannons and a robotic chicken popcorn machine. "Wow!" Was all he could say as he got up and went straight for the popcorn machine while Mizzy and Deku stayed behind looking at the little cannons. Katsuki grabbed some popcorn and started eating.





Those noises scared the crap out of him, he turned to yell at the two only to start laughing. The two nerds were covered in cotton candy smiling like idiots. "Oh my god you guys look ridiculous!!!" He laughed at them. "Lady's and gentlemen, welcome" A males voice came from the small circus tent next to them, the three immediately started crawling into the tent. Katsuki felt really excited and once they got in they sat there as the rest of the announcement went on.

"To my amazing jumping mice circus performance!" just then a ball came out of nowhere and once it hit the floor out pops over a dozen mice. "Whoa!" Katsuki said in amazement.

The mice started doing all kinds of tricks from making shapes as a group to doing hoops and juggling, Katsuki was smiling through the whole thing. Eventually a tall tower grew right in the middle of the stage leaving only one munchkin on the top while the others were on the sides of the tall tower pathway.

The mouse that was on the top started moving down the pathway and the mice that were in the way jumped off. As soon as it reached the bottom the tower went down and there stood the one and only Mr. Sano wearing a ringmaster outfit with a top hat, he bows down while the three started clapping.

"Thank you thank you everyone!" He said, the mice all started disappearing from behind him with the exception being the leader going into his top hat. "That was so-so" Katsuki stood up shouting "Ehhh" Mr. Sano smiled waiting for the response "AWESOME!!!!" Katsuki finally said "Hehe you are very welcome to come here anytime you like, and your friends. Bye Katsuki" He ruffled his hair and smiled as they left.

It was time for bed and the other Mitsuki was putting Katsuki in his bed "Goodnight" she said as he drifted off to sleep....

He woke up and as he yawned while stretching he realized he was back in his old bedroom meaning he was in his old house "Oh come on!!!" He yelled to himself in frustration. But then he noticed little pieces of cheese near his bedroom door and his eyes lit up with excitement seeing that the mice actually came to his room, he got out of bed and immediately went to the little door to open.

Only to find out it was locked.

He was confused but then he heard his mom calling him for breakfast.

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