Chapter 5

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Katsuki sat at the table eating cereal as he was telling his mom about his dream "It was completely real instead of you it was like a doppelganger of you!" "Buttons for eyes huh? Also Katsuki you dreamed that you ate all that chicken take your multivitamins at least.." his mom said in a dismissive tone after pouring coffee for her and her husband.

Masaru came over to the table with his papers and grabbed his cup of coffee "You were also in the dream, you were wearing weird pajamas and orange monkey slippers!" Katsuki told his dad.

"Orange? My slippers are blue, also can you get me some of that magic mud you were talking about 'cause I have terrible case of writers rash on my-" Masaru stopped himself when he saw his wife and son glaring at him.

"TMI OLD MAN!!!" Bakugo yelled at his dad, Masaru awkwardly looked at his wife "If the real Masaru Bakugo wants his pages edited he better wrap them up ASAP!" Mitsuki growled at him making him quickly walk away. Mitsuki put the milk back in the fridge and turned to her son "Katsuki why don't you go visit downstairs I bet those 'actresses' would love to hear your dream," Katsuki dropped his spoon in anger "Ms. Kayama and Takeyama!? But you said they were dipshits!!" Mitsuki rolled her eyes and left the kitchen.

Katsuki really didn't want to go downstairs but since he saw that there was nothing to do he decided to go anyways, he went back to his room and got dressed he decided to wear his black T-shirt and jeans but as he was putting on his shoes he felt someone watching him and he looked outside but found nothing...

He shrugged it off and went outside, suddenly his foot hit a pile of something, he looked down and saw a few small packages there, thinking that maybe his friends sent him something he went to check the name 'Huh!?' He was confused when the label read 'Sano?' He checked the other packages and they all had the same name "Sano, Sano, Sano-" he read the name out loud on each package until a weird smell caught his attention.

Katsuki took a big whiff of one of the packages and immediately regretted it, "Argh! Gross!" There was definitely cheese inside. Now he was pissed that they got their mail mixed up and grabbed the small packages, he noticed a sign near the stairs leading to the upstairs apartment saying 'The Suzuki residents' since he did read the last name he started stomping up the stairs in rage still carrying the packages and once he got to the door he started banging on it.

"OI!" He called out, no answer, now he was even more pissed and started banging on the door so hard that it might tear off its hinges, suddenly the door opened but who was on the other side made Katsuki backtrack, it was a woman but she was no ordinary woman, she was tall, really tall, her eyes were dark green, hair red with black highlights, dark skin, wearing feather jewelry, and she was wearing a black long sleeved shirt with basketball shorts.

"What do you want kid!?" She snapped at him holding onto the door handle her nails tapping on it showing that she was impatient, although Katsuki was a little freaked out he didn't show it "Are you the Sano bitch?" He asked with attitude. The woman looked down at him with a angry expression "No I'm not and who the fuck do you think you are for calling him a bitch!?" She growled making Katsuki even more freaked out, before the woman could do anything a man came out of nowhere and stood in between them "Please honey don't hurt the kid!"

This man looked older, he was taller than the other woman, skin peachy, hair long and black, and he wore a tank top with sweatpants. He begged the other woman not to hurt Katsuki, she gave a look of defeat and sighed "Okay I won't but he was banging on the door so much!" The tall man turned to Katsuki revealing his face.

His face was...not what he expected. A pair of brown eyes, small freckles, and a dark birthmark around his nose. "Sorry about her, she-" the man stopped when he saw the packages Katsuki was carrying, he immediately took notice and it clicked to him "You must be Mr. Sano?" He asked "Why yes I am! I'm assuming those are for me?" Mr. Sano asked cheerfully, he took them away from him after he nodded.

The woman didn't look too happy "So you disturbed my peace and nearly peeked at the fucking little trolls!?" She growled "Trolls?" "YES TROLLS!" she yelled.

"Oh uhh sorry???" Katsuki said, "I'm Katsuki Bakugo.." "Oh well that's a nice name! As you know I'm Yuuma Sano and this is my wife Ayumi Suzuki but call us 'owl night' and 'Panda'." Mr. Sano said cheerfully, it made Bakugo cringe at his cheery attitude.

"What's with the cheese? That's so gross..." Bakugo cringed at the smell, "You see Katsumi my performances are supposed to be Out there~ Exciting~ and amazing~" Yuuma explained but suddenly his expression changed "But my little mice are doing their own thing and not doing so amazing." he suddenly points her finger in the air "So I've decided to take drastic measures!" he patted the packages in his arms "Bribing them!" Katsuki gave a concerning look, this man was weird.

Mr. Sano turned around to go inside with his wife but before he did he gave Katsuki a big swirly lollipop "Have a nice day! Katsumi!" he and his wife went inside shutting the door "Kat-suki" he corrected him and looked at the piece of candy he was given.

He stuffed it in his back pockets and went downstairs and started heading to his parents car. Humming to a song he heard earlier, "Katsumi!!!" Katsuki quickly looked up to see Mr. Sano waving his arms "WAIT!!!" he jumps off the rails making Katsuki quickly duck down but suddenly the tall man ended up right in front of him "Huh!? How did you do that!?" Katsuki asked, slightly amazed.

Mr. Sano pointed behind the boy, there was a long thick ribbon which was still swaying in the wind because he just got off it "I'm a gymnast, I'm used to jumping from high places." He explained "But that's not the point!" he then leaned closer to him and whispered "The mice, want me to give you a message," "Your 'circus mice'?" Katsuki asked sarcastically "They're saying..." Mr. Sano looked around to make sure no one was listening

"Do not go through the little door..."

Katsuki's eyes widened, Yuuma tilted his head and gave a tiny shrug of his shoulders "Do you know such a thing?" he asked very serious.

"Do you mean the one behind the wallpaper? But there's bricks in the way." Katsuki answered, he stood up straight "Ah sorry the mice can get things mixed up," he walked over to the ribbon and started climbing back up to his apartment "And they keep saying your name wrong I keep saying it's Katsumi!" He disappeared into his apartment. "Weird old man." Katsuki said to himself and went to his parents car there he grabbed his little bag that was his backpack from school.

From there he walked over to the downstairs apartment, but as he got there the ground and air started to get foggy, there he stood in front of the apartment door.

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