Chapter 3: Chaos

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The truck's horns were blaring as my car drove off the cliff, I looked down to see we're landing straight into water. Within a second I managed to take off mine and Eli's seatbelts and I covered him as a shield so he couldn't go flying.

The car bashed into the water and I flew backwards hitting the radio, "fuck" I accidentally blurted out, the car windows smashed to the slightest and the water filled up the car. I attempted to smash the windows to fit our bodies but the glass cut my hands open, dyeing the water red.

Eli's cries got louder "Eli we're going to be fine-" Eli made a petrified scream I wondered what he was looking at and it was a person staring at me.

The pale face disappeared and I looked out the window to see who or what it is.

The face jumped in front of me. I tried to back away but it's hand got a hold of my hair It tugged at my hair, I tried my hardest to pull away from its grip but it wouldn't stop. A very loud sound blared in both Elijah's and my ears. The mer creature was snatched away by another of its kind and somehow the window was completely open I take my last gulp of air Eli did the same, I picked him up and I swam us to land.

The sound of wind caught our attention. IT'S A RESCUE HELICOPTER! I laughed my excitement off as the helicopter descended to where we can reach the ladder, I climbed up and a man collected Elijah and helped me up. That truck driver must've called an emergency.

I looked at the man who helped us up the ladder and noticed the man's wings, tail and his abnormal beak I could tell he was a Griffin.

The helicopter ride was filled with Eli's giggles from playing with the Griffins wings he looked 18. The young Griffin's beak disappeared and his face looked normal. He then broke the awkwardness "what happened down there?" I sent him a confused look "oh right sorry i'm Christian Rivers" he said giving me his hand to shake "Im Cheryl Rosevette" I said attaching my words with a happy smile. "So..." he anxiously said, I started explaining the situation I was in.

I explained everything that happened while Elijah fell asleep on my lap.

We arrived at the doctors for a quick check up and got my hands bandaged then we got sent home. This is the part that I wasn't ready for yet with that I held my breath and knocked on the door.

"Hello?" a deep and emotionless voice said at the door. I was too scared to look up but I knew it was Ryder, I bit my lip and he encouraged me to walk in. Familiar scent's hit me until a strange scent hit me. I looked up to see my so-called 'mate' looking at me and basically my whole family. As much as this hurt my wolf, I held Elijah's hand and took him upstairs to his room avoiding chitchat.

"Eli, do you need my help getting changed?" I questioned him, he kept silent and didn't answer "MUMMY" he burst out in tears. Running away. I took this chance to fix myself, I walked into my room, I can finally get out of this dress. I sighed in relief as I peeled the dress off my sweaty and wet skin. I took a long hot shower then got out, I wrapped the towel around my body, I unlock the bathroom to see my mate sitting on my bed, my eyes widened at the sudden sight, my insecurities grew bigger by the second as he stared at my hidden body, hidden is an understatement I was practically naked.

"G-get ou-ut" I barely managed to say to him, "what if I don't want to" he said walking closer to me "please go.." I started tearing up. His eyes were changing from Amber to his original red eyes, he groaned as if in pain then ran out of my room slamming it shut. Looks like my puppy eyes trick still works. I quickly locked my door then got dressed into an oversized pink jumper and grey tracksuits.

I picked up my long hair to tie it high as I rapped the band around my hair it got stuck in my hair, screw having hair, I twirled around to try and find the elastic then it flew from my hair onto my bedroom door hitting the floor I bent down to pick it up until I caught onto a shadow coming towards my door I didn't make it in time to move away from the door.

The door swung open and it hit my head knocking me into my bedroom wall.

I laid unconsciously as my eyes shut down until there was no light left.

I never got my elastic back.....

~!Authors Note: THANK YOUU if you made it this far these 3 chapters have been boring but I promise you, you'll enjoy chapter 4!~

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