📝List Part 2📝

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Kirino : Here's the part two ! Now, this time, I'm gonna do what's called a pro "hater" move and list the characters I hate in the entire series. I don't know some names if these (mostly females) but I'll try to remember ! Now, let's go ! Sorry if your favorite character is in here, these are my opinions only so even if I hate them, I'll still respect your opinions too :)

💢I hate you list💢

Raimon Natsumi because you are the worst person for me, in my opinion. Kariya did a full post on why he (and I) hate her, so go check it on Kariya's Instagram

Rococo Urarapa because...I actually don't know why I hate you but I really hate you

Mikado Anna because I want you to stay away from Nosaka. He belongs to Nishikage and Nishikage only

Miyano Akane because Haizaki deserved better than a LIAR. Phew that needed to get out of my chest

(Aaaaannnddd surprisingly I don't hate Irina Girikanan, mostly because of Fianne-san liking her as well)

(Inazuma GO) Akane because you need to go away from Shindou. Your level of obsessed is triggering me

Seto Midori because I just don't like Tsunderes or Violent people. It was clearly shown in the series how she badly wanted to punch poor Hayami

Kinako because she's annoying and I can't understand how people tolerate her

Lalaya Obies because Tsurugi will forever be Tenma's. Step away or I'll create a black hole of my own that will for sure end you

Princess Powai from the water planet because you're also annoying and you're worse than Kinako

The whole Tengawara Jr. High because I can't tolerate their rudeness. HOW'S IT FEEL LOOKING UP AT THE PEOPLE YOU USED TO LOOK DOWN ON, HAH ?!

That other whole team who tried to break Tenma's leg because HOW DARE YOU TRY TO HURT THE CINNAMON ROLL

The captain of (GO) Kidokawa Seishuu because I hate you...and I don't know why ;-;

That girl from the Nobunaga's Era that likes Shindou because Shindou belongs to Ibuki so you don't stand a chance, sis

Shiratoya Nae (Is that how you spell it ?) because she's as worse than Kinako and Powai combined and I have the same level of hatred for her as I do for Natsumi

Now I'm starting to think hating on some of these people for no reason at all is not valid and everyone will come at me ;-; Also, I've been so used to Yaoi I barely have straight ships. Sorry, people ✌️ That's all, BYE !

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