Chapter 4 : The Unexpected Arrival

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Soundtrack : Something just like this by Coldplay

Aahana pushes past the drunken teenagers as she makes her way towards the backyard.

As a result of agreeing with the deal she made with Jason she sits on one of the chairs beside the swimming pool, pissed at Kaitlyn for ditching her just after minutes they entered and disappearing out of the blue.

Enjoying the fruit punch and the summer breeze, she suddenly hears the sound of two familiar voices nearby.

While looking around, she sees Allison and Jason who seems to be arguing over something. Allison soon storms inside leaving Jason with the same frame of mind as that of hers. As soon as he notices Aahana glancing at his direction he starts walking towards the swimming pool himself.

"Well that was umm-"

"Let's not talk about it" Jason cuts her off.

Aahana decides to leave the matter alone.  She sits there sipping her punch, waiting for him to initiate the conversation.

"I've got something important to tell you" he says, occupying an empty chair beside her.

"You remember the phone call I got that day by someone called Ashley?" he speaks while staring at the ground.

Aahana revives her memory. She remembers it clearly because that was the day Jason made the deal with her.

She lost a bet to him while watching the NBA finals and now Jay could ask her to do any three things, that too anytime he wants. Getting out of this, was totally out of her choice.

It was almost like their thing whenever they used to bet on something. One time Aahana won the bet and Jason had to treat her for the whole week at her favourite cafe. She chuckled everytime she remembered it. It was such a fun week.

One down tonight, two to go.

"Yeah" she replies.

"Well I lied that day. Ashley isn't a friend of mine. She umm..happens to be the personal assistant of Mr. Noah Jones.

Aahana's eyes widens the second she hears the name.
"You mean Noah Jones!!!! The Chief Editor of Sparkswood Publications? The one whose first novel was a bestseller of the state. The one that had been on the top of the bestselling novels list of the state for- "

"A whole year" Jason lets out a heavy sigh.
"You seem to know a lot about him than I thought"

"I'm sorry. What were you going to say?"

Taking a long breath, he continues.

"He agreed to see my draft that I've been working on for the last couple of months. I'll be leaving tomorrow. Guess, I'll probably be working with him for a few days this summer."

He runs his fingers through his hair before speaking.

"God Ana.. This is such a great opportunity for me and I don't want to take it for granted. But, I'm still scared that-".
He pauses and closes his eyes rubbing his forehead.
Aahana places a hand on his shoulder.

Jason relaxes and looks at her before continuing.

"What if I'm making the wrong choice Ana? What if this all goes in vain? What if -"

"Hey Mr. Pessimist. I'm gonna hit your head with this glass now if you're gonna say that again."

Jason lowers his head towards her and Aahana pushes his shoulders with a grin.

She then places her hand upon his before speaking .

"Don't underestimate yourself Jay...I've read your work.You have a talent for writing and I'm not saying this just cause I'm your best friend. I know how passionate you are about this and I'm sure that one day others will see what I see in you."
"So.. don't put up this glum face okay.Even when I'm not around"

"How do you do that always?" He tilts his head.

"What?" she replies taking another sip.

"Make me believe everything that comes out of your mouth. Sometimes that scares me you know"

"Why does it scare you?"

There's an unreadable expression on his eyes that Aahana is unable to point out.

He then shakes his head with a sad smile. "Nevermind"

"Wait, what about your father though?"

"He'll be gone for a couple of days for a case. I just have to be back before that."

"Alright then."

The music becomes louder inside. Aahana suddenly wonders where the hell is Kaitlyn the whole time. She was the one who insisted and almost begged her, to come to this party and now there's literally no sign of her.

"So..." she speaks trying to change the subject.

"This news of yours definitely calls for a celebration. Why don't we go in and have a few drinks and enjoy the night before you leave tomorrow?"
She gets up.

"You read my mind Ana" Jason trailing her steps inside.

"Btw have to seen Kaitlyn? She ditched me the moment we came here. She's in for a good show once I get hold of her."

"I don't think so"

They make their way to the kitchen helping themselves with the drinks. She holds up her glass clinking it with Jason's.

"Cheers to you and-"

"Hey..are you two celebrating something in my absence ?"
Kaitlyn joins them. Although the big smile on her face soon fades after seeing the look on Aahana's face.

"Where were you?" She faces Kaitlyn crossing her arms with a stern look on her face. Kaitlyn on the other hand, only chuckles as a response, a sign that she's completely drunk.

"I was out with Ma-..umm forget it. I'm sorry. I just got too lost in dancing" she replies with a pout.

"So what did I miss?"

Jason fills her in with the details before the three of them celebrates drinking and dancing the night out.

(Same night)

It's been so many years since he last came to this place. Apart from some new buildings, everything looks familiar to him. He glances outside the window at the familiar surroundings.

A smile forms on his lips as he passes "Steffs" remembering the times he used to come here everytime, with the person who had a similar craving as his for their special chocolate malt shake.
He smiles remembering those times and wonders if she remembers it too.

Don't lose your focus. He reminds himself.

The cab comes to a halt as a bicycle crosses the street suddenly.

"Hey Asshole...stupid kids these days" the cab driver snaps.

His thoughts are interrupted as he jerks forward due to the sudden brake. He rebukes himself in his mind telling that he couldn't afford any distraction now as it may ruin everything.

As he reaches his destination he gets out of the cab while the driver takes out the luggages. He stares at the big iron gates before entering.

Pausing for a minute, he finally knocks the door.
The door opens and he is immediately greeted with a big smile as Mrs. Adams invites him in.

"Welcome Aaron"

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