Chapter 5 : Guest from the Past

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Staying mute for the entire time during breakfast, several thoughts in Kaitlyn's mind erupts like a series of fireworks . The hangover from last night had barely escaped and in came another reason, to boost her already severe headache.

While her parents engage in a conversation with the new guest who had just arrived last night, she engages herself in analysing the cause of the unexpected arrival of her former friend, who also happened to be, her long lost cousin brother.

Someone with whom she was really close to during her childhood days.

Someone who treated her like his own sister back then.

And that someone, who suddenly disappeared from her life, and didn't even had the courtesy to be in contact with her, in all these years.

Her thoughts are interrupted by her father,

"So Aaron, I hope you didn't face any trouble on your journey here."

"Not at all Uncle." He smiles.

"And thanks for letting me stay here this summer. I really appreciate it."

"Oh!! No need to be so formal now. You're family, and just like our own kid. It's the least we could do."

Kaitlyn scoffs at her father's comment which diverts everyone's attention in the table towards her.

"You have anything to say dear."

With a forced smile, Kaitlyn turns towards her father.

"Uh..umm..Nothing Dad. Actually I'm finished, so I'm gonna go to my room."

Everyone continues their conversation as Kaitlyn gets up from her seat to leave. Before heading upstairs, she turns around for a minute and stares at Aaron who is fiddling with his food and seems to be lost in his own thoughts.

Before any second thoughts starts to enter her brain, she shakes her head and goes to her room. She takes an Advil and swallows it while getting under her covers again.

Laying on her bed, she recalls the old times when he was the jolly little kid, the troublemaker who used to pull pranks all the time.

But that was a long time ago.

Something had changed although she couldn't point it out exactly. Even though she knew she didn't have the right to judge him so quickly, Kaitlyn wasn't ready to give him the benefit of the doubt. The change in his attitude made her feel as if the person who sat in front of her now is nothing like the boy she remembered.

What changed him?

She quickly picks up her phone and sends a  text to the only person who according to her, should be the first one to hear the news.

Guess who's back in town?
- Kaitlyn

After a few minutes she receives a reply.

Not in a state to play the guessing game Kaitt!!😪
- Ahana

At your house. 20min!!!
- Kaitlyn


Mrs.Adams enters her room where she finds her husband, getting ready for a business meeting with one of his clients. Mr. Adams struggling with his tie finally lets out an irritated sigh before rubbing his forehead.

"Let me help you with that" she stands before him while fixing his tie. Seeing the tensed look on his face she asks,
"Important client?"

"Very" he replied.

"Don't get so riled up.. It'll go just fine"
She rubs his shoulders to relax him.

"What was up with Kaitlyn today? " Mr.   Adams asked.
"I know I don't get to spend so much time with her considering my hectic schedule in the office. Would you please talk to her?"

"Sure... She just needs some time. We too, didn't get to tell her about Aaron so, with his sudden arrival maybe she's -"

"She'll be fine." he cuts her off and checks the time on his wristwatch.

"I'm already late. Bye honey" He kisses her on the cheek before turning towards the door.

"Gareth!!" she calls out as Mr. Adams was just about to leave. He turns towards her lifting his eyebrows.

"Maybe we should finally tell her about the incident. Aaron's gonna be here for the whole summer. Did you notice them today? They didn't even utter a single word to each other."

The sudden remark catches him off guard. His eyes softens but he hesitates to speak. He opens his mouth and then closes it again.
Finally he says,
"We'll.. umm.. talk about this later okay?"

"Sure" she replied as he closed the door behind him.

I wonder if he'll ever agree to talk about it.

Hope you liked it!! 😊

P. S. Couldn't find a soundtrack for this chapter😕 Any suggestions?

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