Day 9: Saturday

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Bruce flicked the light on in Steve's room.
"Hmn? What's going on? Bruce?" Steve asked as he woke up.
"Morning Steve. It's 9am already, are you ok?"
"Yeah, I'm good. I had a few drinks with Tony yesterday to calm him down."
"Oh, fair enough."
"What's going on?"
"It's Peter I need you to..." Bruce began and Steve sat up.
"What's happened, is he ok?"
"Yeah, he's fine. He's just feeling a bit low so I said that he could spend the day with you. Everyone's still a bit shaken up from what happened yesterday."
"Yeah, that would be fine. What are kids into these days?"
"I don't know. Films or video games. I think Rhodes has a PlayStation around here somewhere."
"What's a PlayStation?" Steve asked in confusion.
"You know what, don't worry about it. Walk Peter to the lounge so he gets some exercise and watch some films or play some cards. Medically, he's almost ready to go home so I think that he's just bored."
"Ok. Thanks Bruce, I'll think of something."
"Thanks Steve," Bruce said before he left.
"Hey kid," Steve said as he came into the medbay.
"Hi Cap. What are you doing here?" Peter asked in surprise.
"Bruce says that you're a bit bored so I'm here to spend the day with you."
"Great. What are we going to do?"
"I don't know. I know some card games from my youth but any kind of technology after 1940's is beyond me."
"You managed to work a DVD player."
"I didn't even know that that was what it was called. Bruce said that I should help to move you into the lounge, that way you get some exercise the view of a different four walls."
"Ok," Peter agreed and Steve helped him to stand up. Together they made their way through the corridor and towards the lounge. "Sorry about collapsing yesterday. I didn't mean to scare anyone. Bruce said that Mr Stark was shaken up by it."
"None blames you kid. We all just want you to get better and it freaked everyone out when you collapsed, that's all."
"I did try and tell Mr Stark that I wasn't feeling very good."
"There we go," Steve said as he helped Peter to sit down onto the sofa. "Now, I think that I should be able to work the DVD player again. What do you fancy?" Steve said as he browsed the DVD's that were on the shelf.
"Actually, I wouldn't mind learning how to play some old card games."
"Now that I can do," Steve said with a smile as he went to get a pack of cards. The distraction worked and Steve and Peter had a great day playing cards together.

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