Chapter Ten

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"Walk?" I looked to the ground, thankful I'd worn a nice set of flats this time.

    "Go barefoot," Rorke waved another hand and then motioned me to follow him. "Come."

    I grabbed my purse from the car before I followed, lacing it over my shoulders. Rorke was patiently waiting at the trees as I caught up to him. His form towered over me and I ignored the pressing downward gaze he cast.

    "Why walk?"

    "It isn't far," Rorke replied nonchalantly.

    I didn't trust the black pistol tucked neatly into the back of his pants. A second holster was positioned at his right knee and it was clear the weapon was ready to fire at any moment.

    "Mr. Rorke, are you going to kill me?"

    His dark eyes moved from the jungle-like forest to my widened eyes. "Of course not. I carry for the sake of protection. You never know what kinda animals you'll run into out here."

    I knew he wasn't meaning just furry ones. "Makes sense."

    "You have nothing to worry about," he crossed over a fallen tree and then turned to assist me.

    I reluctantly took his hand and used his strength as support to cross over the obstacle. Rorke held onto my hand a little longer than necessary, waiting to make sure Kayla Hurst was steady. I forced a thankful smile to my lips as he eyed me.

    "So," I made conversation as we continued through the humid trees, "what will you show me today?"

    "Anything you want for the most part," Rorke was keen on the environment ahead.

    "I'd love to see how soldiers train!" I tried to add a touch of excitement into my voice. "I admire anyone willing to train to fight."

    "Not all of my men are admirable," Rorke sounded disappointed. "All good fighters, but some are stupidly ignorant. They're the ones who will go first."


    "Die," Rorke reworded as he lifted a branch for me to step under. "They are too in their heads."

    "Not to be rude, but isn't it your job to make sure that doesn't happen?"

    "Partially," Rorke agreed. "I can only do so much. When you become that powerful it's easy to let that power flow elsewhere."

    "Then shouldn't power be limited? Wouldn't it give them a chance to keep their stupidity under control?"

    Rorke thought a moment. "Are you taking my men to be entirely stupid Miss Hurst?"

    "Not at all," I bristled. "I'm sure your army is magnificent."

    "It is," Rorke paused as we reached an overlook. "See for yourself."

    I stepped closer to the edge of the cliff, looking down and out at the bustling base. Men were training in all areas; rifles were firing to the east while obstacle courses were being ran through to the west. Helicopters were being fixed and flown to the south while the north held more buildings. Truly, Rorke's little hideout was huge and powerful...deadly.

    My feet moved back from the edge when I realized Rorke was close enough to push me off it. I looked up to him in surprise. "It's quite the place. I don't think any word I know from school would describe it."

    Rorke huffed in slight amusement. "You are quite right. This way."

    We hiked down the side of the hillside, using the natural paths of the rocky side. Rorke led the whole time, pausing to help me over a few gaps or boulders that blocked the safer pathways. I kept my eyes on the nearing base, in shock at how things were turning out.

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