That's Nice, Read My Story

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Never, never, never post comments with links to your story on someone else's work. In the orange land of Wattpad, that is a major no, no.

You're probably thinking, but why not? This person has tons of reads, and I'll get tons of reads if I just soil their comment section with my link!

Well, sorry, that's not how it works here. Slapping your promo on someone else's hard work is disrespectful to the author. This goes for their stories and their author's page. If you think this will bring you more reads you are w-r-o-n-g. In fact, it could very well back fire and cause you less reads, because people that would have read it may see your promo, find it rude, and be turned off of your story completely.

Trust me, a good story will gain reads all on it's own. Sending out requests for random people to read it could cause some people to think it isn't worth reading.

There are areas for promoting your stories. In the genre's club there is a thread which allows you to promote. You can also talk about your books in the club, but you can't ask people to read or post a link (unless you're in the promote your story thread).

And if you want feedback on your story, there's a thread for critics in the Improve Your Writing club where you can browse and pick critics to private message.

Please don't post links on other people's stuff.

Vote if you believe a muse dies every time someone posts their story link on someone else's story- or if, you know, you just hate that.

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