The Rooftop

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(I made it up, but its been inspiried by the some of its manga)

3rd person's POV:

Amaya is sitting quietly in her boundary. Reading her book, "Amaya". She putted the book away and teleported to Mitsuba. "Yes?" Amaya asked "all the school mysteries are going to have a meeting"

Amaya was sweating.. a.. meeting? "W-why?" Amaya asked with a hint of panic. "Dunno" Mitsuba shrugged "when?" Mitsuba thought about it..

At night...

"Are all of the school mysteries here? Alright *insert boring discussion*"
Amaya and Mitsuba sat next to Tsuchigomori. "No.7, mind tell us?" Hanako smiles "were going to get the seven school mysteries a little break"

Amaya asked Tsuchigomori what he means "you'll see.." Amaya paid full attention. "And what do you mean by that?" A voice said. "Were going to have every school mystery's yorishiro destroyed"

Amaya thought about what was her Yorishiro was... right.. a present from 📺🙀🙃🔪🍎😷🔠....

"Hey 📺😷🆙️🔪🍎🍰🔠.." 😰☪️😠🗣🍎 said, putting her book down. "Hey 😰☪️😠🗣🍎! I have a present for you!" 🖥🍰🙃🔪🍎🍰🅰️ replied..😰☪️😠🗣🍎 wasnt sure if its a prank or not. "Here!" He gave her a blue kitsune mask. "Umm 📺😷🆙️🔪🍰🔠, you sure she'll like that?" 🍎♂️🅰️🚫😄 asked. "Yep! Her favorite animal are foxes, and the kitsunes remind her of foxes!"

"📺😷🆙️🔪🍰🔠, foxes are red..." 🅰️🙊🍎🚫😑 said, not sure if 😰☪️😠🗣🅰️will like the present that 📺😷🙃🔪🍎😷🔠 gave her. "Soo do you liked it??" 😰☪️😠🗣🅰️ was silent.. "i dont like it.." the twins are shocked "I love it! Thank you 🖥😷🙃😘🍰🅰️!!" She then hugs 🖥😷🙃😘🍰🅰️ "i thought your going to hate me forever!" 🖥😷🙃😘🍰🅰️whines "I'll never hate you!" 😰☪️😠🗣🅰️ giggled.

Amaya touched the Blue kitsune mask that she was wearing... it was her Yorishiro, the seal is in at the back. She dosent want her precious gift broken, but it's for the good. Amaya sighed quietly

Mitsuba heard her sigh. "Hey, what's wrong?" Amaya shaked her hand, telling Mitsuba everything is fine. "I guess were going to let the school mysteries mingle for a few minutes." The voice says and disappear

The school mysteries gather in the middle, talking. Amaya just reads her book. "Arent you coming Rein-san?" Mitsuba asked. "I think its better if you mingle more than one school mystery miss.8"

Amaya sighed and went to the middle to talk to other mysteries.. Amaya just ended up following Mitsuba. "Rein-san, arent you going to talk to other school mysteries?", "I am, i am talking to you"

"Hey Mitsuba" called Hanako. Mitsuba waved at him. Amaya just wants to be ignored, but she was attracted to almost every school mystery because of her blue kitsune mask.

1 minute before the meeting ends...

Amaya and Mitsuba were talking about there Yorishiro. "Mine is in the ceiling, you?" Mitsuba asked. "You'll find out soon enough" Amaya answered, then yawned. "1 minute left..."

"Meeting's over!". Then every school mystery went back to their boundary. Amaya was just at the place where she can be summoned.

The wind blowing her hair... the full moon out.. then it started to rain gently...

Tsukasa's POV:

Sakura and Natsuhiko went home, Mitsuba's asleep at his boundary and i was bored so i take a tour around the school. The rooftop is the last place and i went there, and saw a girl with raven black hair wearing her kimono(the clothes of your choice)

She remind me of because of her hair...

"So Amaya, Sensei partnered us up to do the project! What do you find unique about me?" (This project is to get the students know each other more) "your fangs" Amaya replied "i have fangs?" I asked

"Yeah, well what about me?" Amaya asked. "Your raven black hair and your black obsibian eyes.i could easily recognize you because of your hair color! I dont think anyone or everyone has raven black hair!"

The girl got her wasaga out and went inside... leaving me alone in the rooftop... i wonder where Amaya is now...

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