Ch 6 - Friendship

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 "Cody!" Jess flagged down his friend as he climbed out of his dad's truck.

Cody waved back and waited by the front doors for him. He'd been back at school for a couple weeks and was starting to get used to the stares. Clumps of students eyed him as they slipped inside the school. The first day back had almost driven him back to the ocean. He'd felt exposed and overly anxious, sure that any moment his secret would be discovered. In truth, everyone stared only because he had changed so much since he'd been in school last.

He'd left in April and now it was March, nearly a year later. He was extremely late to the school year and was struggling to catch up. Jess had dutifully collected all of his school work and had been working with him the last two months to get caught up, but it was a lot of material to cover. In his classes he struggled more than he had before, his grades showing just how far he had fallen behind. Jess tried to assure him he'd get it, but he doubted it would be anytime soon. He was already waiting for the summer.

Other than his educational struggles, his physical changes were obvious. He had slimmed down and gotten back his tan, but he just didn't look the same. Swimming in the ocean for nine months had broadened his shoulders, and given him a washboard stomach. He looked sixteen rather than his soon to be fourteen in a week. And an old sixteen-year-old at that. It was obvious that something had happened to him while he'd been away from school, he just hoped no one would figure out what.

Being mute wasn't helping anything either. He kept finding himself trying to speak out of habit, only to frown as no sound ever came out. His classmates, especially the swim team, stared at him when he used his tablet to speak for him in class. He'd gotten to using it less and less in the last few days to try and minimize the attention he was receiving. If only he could go back to the way his life had been a year ago.

"Hey!" Jess shrugged his gigantic book bag up higher on his back.

Keeping up with new appearances, Cody waved his hello.

"Did you understand the math assignment last night?" Jess opened the door as they walked inside.

Cody shook his head no and silently sighed. Then, doing what a former merman does best, he projected an image of him smacking his head against his math book in frustration.

In response, Jess laughed and smiled. "Yeah, I'm right there with ya."

Cody touched his friend's arm and motioned toward the office. 'My councilor wanted to see me before class.'

Nodding, Jess adjusted his bag again. "Okay, see you at lunch."

Smiling, Cody gave him a fist bump then headed down the side hallway. He councilor motioned him in and he sighed as he took a seat. He could only guess what this was going to be about.

Mr. Maury shut the door and sat down in front of his computer. "I've been talking with our principal, Mrs. Devin, and your parents about the progress you've made this last week."

Cody gave him a questioning look.

"The school district would like to know how your communication device is working." He motioned to Cody's bag. "Could you pull it out please?"

Giving an inward sigh, Cody pulled the tablet from his book bag. This device was what he used instead of an interpreter. While he was still learning sign language at school, he didn't know enough to have an interpreter at school. Besides, with the assistive communication the tablet provided, the school thought he might never need one.

He turned it on and started typing out his response.

"It.. makes.. me.. feel.. like.. a.. robot." The monotone and mechanical voice spoke each word as he typed it.

The Secret Lives of Fish - a sequel to The Thirteenth YearWhere stories live. Discover now