Ch 16 - Tails

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The light in his eyes made him wince and his head pulsed with an oncoming migraine. Blinking, he tried to sit up, but found he couldn't move. Looking, he was shocked to see his arms strapped down to a bed, as were his legs. Glancing around, terror began to grip him. He was in some sort of lab! All around him were people wearing lab coats and working with unfamiliar scientific equipment. An older man with a gray mustache stepped into view, a manila folder in his hands.

"Cody? How are you feeling?" The man shone a small but bright light in eyes.

He didn't answer. Cody didn't know who these people were or what had happened. He was focusing more on not having a panic attack. This was his biggest fear. If they did any sort of testing, they'd know that he wasn't human. They probably already knew and that's why he was there. The thought made is stomach churn.

"It's a little disorienting at first, I know." The man gave him a sympathetic smile.

Cody still didn't respond. Who was this guy? Where was he? He pulled against the straps holding him down.

"I'm sorry if it's uncomfortable, but we can't risk you shocking anyone. You've caused plenty of problems already."

Shocking... Cody froze and stared at the man wide eyed. What did they know? The fear in his body flooded him and he felt the electricity dance on his fingers.

"Calm down. Take a few deep breaths. No one here is going to hurt you." The man walked away.

Cody watched him and tried to figure out what they wanted. It was true that no one was poking at him and they all seemed to be focused elsewhere. As they gave him space he was able to bring his heart rate down a little.

"Chris, how's he doing?" A middle aged woman walked through a set of double doors at the far side of the room.

"Just fine. A little scared, but can't blame the kid," said Chris.

The lady walked up to the bed Cody was strapped to and stared down at him, her face expressionless. Whoever she was, Cody did not like this lady at all.

"Chris, where's Jess?" Abigail looked over at the doctor.

"Bryce went to fetch him a few minutes ago," said Dr. May. He walked up to Cody again.

Jess? Were these the people who had kidnapped his friend? He could feel his charge building in his hands again.

"Now, none of that," said Abigail, her voice an iceberg in its coldness.

Cody flinched and watched as she looked through the file Dr. May handed her. The charge in his hands dissipated momentarily as he fought to bring himself under control.

"Everything looks normal," said Abigail, frowning. "Any info from his bloodwork yet?"

"Lindy is still working on it," said Dr. May.

Bloodwork? Cody pulled on the restraints. They had his blood. It was over. He needed to get out of there!

"Cody!" Jess's voice carried clearly over the room as he ran up to the bed.

'Jess!' thought Cody, making sure he directed his thoughts just to his friend.

"Are you okay?" Asked Jess. He stared at the restraints and then glared at Abigail. "Are you serious?"

Cody stared around him and then noticed the guy who had walked in with Jess. It was the guy who had attacked him at his door! Tugging harder at the restraints, he looked wide eyed at Jess.

'You got to help me Jess! We need to get out of here!' Cody thought to him, desperation filling his mind.

Jess stared down at his best friend, then looked away. "I can't."

The Secret Lives of Fish - a sequel to The Thirteenth YearWhere stories live. Discover now