Ch 14 - Breathe

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The rain didn't bother Sean as much as he thought it would have. The mile-long walk to his house gave him a chance to think about everything he had just learned. Cody, the most normal guy of anybody, was a merman. An actual, real fish boy. He played the conversations through his head over and over, maybe looking for a way to disprove it all. But he couldn't. Cody had spoken using his mind, and then there were the scales and webbed feet. Sean couldn't help but think out how much he would freak out if one day he discovered he wasn't human. Heck, he was slightly impressed that Cody hadn't gone nuts.

Or maybe Sean was the one who'd gone crazy. Telepathic mermen who could shock you? He need a nap.

Shivering, he walked up to his front door. It was still relatively early in the day. Glancing at his watch, he was surprised to realize it wasn't even noon yet. Inside he began to remove soggy layers as he made his way to the bathroom. The shower water was nice and hot and he relished the feel of it pounding over his cold skin. The longer he stood there, the more exhausted he felt. The water relaxed his tight muscles and he stifled a yawn. He could sleep all day with the way he felt.

Turning off the water, he wrapped himself in a towel and wiped down the mirror. He mussed his hair and frowned. It was getting long. He'd have to ask his dad to take him to get a haircut, whenever he saw him next. Sean ran a towel over it, getting it somewhat dry, and then shuffled to his bedroom.

His room was a mess and he sighed. Clothes lay scattered on his desk and piled in corners. He picked up a pair of sweat pants, gave them a sniff, then chucked them towards the laundry basket. It would probably be a good idea to put a load of clothes in when he woke up. Digging around some more, he finally found a pair of shorts that smelled somewhat clean. Grabbing some boxers, he quickly dressed then collapsed on top of his unmade bed. Yawning, he grabbed his phone from where he'd tossed it near his pillow.

Nothing new of interest was on his feeds and he set it back down. Closing his eyes, he tried to will himself to sleep. He was exhausted, but it's like his brain wouldn't shut up. He kept replaying last night and this morning over and over again. Cody shocking him and then the fuzziness of waking up in the water. Cody's silver and blue tail and his voice echoing in his head.

Sean opened his eyes and stared at his wrists. The red welts shaped like hand prints were looking a little better, but it still ached. The skin was cracking in places and he grimaced. It was probably going to leave some weird scars.

How did Sam not get freaked out by all of this? Did she really like Cody that much?

He shook his head vigorously, trying to clear his mind. Yawning again, he rolled onto his side, careful with his arms, and tried to think about something else. Anything else. Soon, he felt himself drifting off to sleep.

Deep, blue green water filled with forests of kelp surrounded him. In the distance he could see a light. It tugged him forward and he eagerly swam toward it. Not once did he feel the need to go up for air, and he slid through the water as easy as walking. Stroke after stroke brought him closer to the light, where he noticed a figure, outlined in black against the glare.

He had just reached them when he jerked awake, coughing heavily.

Sitting up straighter, Sean tried to clear his throat, but the coughing continued. It hurt to the point that he couldn't help but wince and moan as his lungs burned. Struggling from his bed he tottered towards the bathroom, nearly doubled over from his coughs.

He filled a glass with water and gulped it down greedily. And again. Then a third time, struggling to not choke on the water as he coughed between mouthfuls.

His lungs eased and he wheezed as the coughing subsided. Sean's whole chest was aching in pain and his throat felt raw. Gripping the edge of the sink, who focused on his breathing, waiting to see if he was going to be overcome by another fit. Seeming to be fine for the moment, he gave a deep sigh of relief and looked up at his face.

The Secret Lives of Fish - a sequel to The Thirteenth YearWhere stories live. Discover now