Ch 22 - Hope

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"Hey, Sam."

Those two words filled the space separating Cody and Sam. They held all the promises the two teens had made to each other in the last week. Mostly the words held their own promise – that nothing could keep them apart.

Cody burst out laughing – a true, loud, boisterous laugh that echoed off the sand and waves.

"Cody!" Sam pushed out of Mrs. Griffin's arms and ran into her boyfriend's free, outstretched arm. "Your voice is back!"

"How did you do that?" asked Jess, now standing right next to him. He was looking his two friends up and down.

"It wasn't me," said Cody. He stared into Sam's brown eyes. "It was Sam."

"Step away from each other, now," demanded Dr. Wheatley, pushing her way towards Cody.

John, particularly overwhelmed by everything up to that point, took a bumbling step in front of his wife.

"G...get...out of my way...John," she stammered.

Shaking his head, John crossed his arms over is wide chest. "Let them be Abby. You've put the kid through enough."

Dr. May surveyed the crowd, confused. "This doesn't make any sense. Abby, we have never recorded anything like this before." He looked Cody up and down. "What are you?"

Cody didn't have an answer for them. He was certain though that he didn't want to stand there in just a towel. "I can't tell you because I don't know," said Cody.

Bryce surveyed the scene. He was still trying to process the fact that his sister was alive and that he had a niece. And that his niece was the girlfriend of a merman. The same merman that he had been holding captive. That made things complicated. Especially now that his niece, Sam, seemed to be affected just like them. Shaking his head, he tried to walk towards the two teens, only to have an arm thrust out to stop him.

"Bryce, don't you dare go near my daughter." Charlene turned to face her long-lost brother. "I still don't quite understand what's going on, but I do know that you haven't treated Cody or Jess very well." She glared at him. "In fact, you kidnapped them." Stepping back, she walked towards her father. "If you expect me to have any sort of relationship with you in the future, then you will leave my daughter and these kids alone."

John walked forward to stand next to Charlene. Jess quickly joined them, as did the Griffins. Sam and Cody stood behind their families, hand in hand.

'Brennan!' The melodic voice brushed through the minds of the group, causing a sudden hush to fall around them.

A huge grin growing on his face, Cody turned to face the ocean.

Sam squeezed his hand harder as she stared out at the dark waves. "It's your mom, isn't it?"

Cody nodded to her, his heart racing. "Yeah. That's the name my pod calls me." He was so happy to know his mom was there. Maybe she would be able to explain how he was human again. Then the fear concerning how the scientists would react hit him. The situation was already bad enough.

In the distance, a dark shape appeared in the water. A few seconds later it disappeared and then reappeared closer to the shore.

"Everyone back away from the water," said Bryce, already a few steps back towards the van himself.

Dr. May, Charlene and Abigail followed him, but the Griffin's and two Wheatley men held their place behind Cody and Sam. The scene was similar to the one they had all experienced a year ago. They already knew who was in the water.

The Secret Lives of Fish - a sequel to The Thirteenth YearWhere stories live. Discover now