Ch 7 - Surge

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Cody lay in his soft, cushiony bed that night. None of his decorations had changed in the past year. He gave a quirk of a smile as he stared up at the ceiling. He knew he could get up there again, this time knowing how to get back down. His tank of fish was thriving and he thanked his mom for that. All the familiar things in his room were gentle reminders of his underwater home and served to ease his out-of-place feeling.

Swimming with Sam and Jess had been exactly what he needed. They treated him the same as they had before. He was no different to them now and it meant the world to him. He flicked off his bedside lamp and sighed as his head sunk into the pillow. School would be easier tomorrow. He'd still be stared at by everyone else, but he would be more calm. He'd make sure of it.


Ringing and buzzing pulled Cody from his deep, restless sleep. He'd been out swimming by the buoy, someone in the distance screaming for him to swim as fast as he could. He had tried but his legs had felt heavy and awkward, unable to move correctly.

He shook his head and reached over to silence the alarm. A few small sparks flew from his fingers, but the alarm remained mostly undamaged. Laying there for a moment more, he tried to pull back more details of the dream The more he thought and focused, the quicker the vapors of sleep dispersed and he felt himself wondering what he'd been so worked up over.

The day went as usual as he could have expected. He got up and showered and dressed for school. His mom greeted him downstairs with pancakes for breakfast, and then his dad wished him a good day as he slipped out the door. The walk to the pier went as normal and he caught the ferry to the main land with the other students from his school.

He gripped the strap of his book bag tight as he stared overboard at the choppy water. Conversations floated around him and he tried to keep his thoughts to himself. Cody felt a twinge of jealousy as they laughed aloud and talked freely. They would never know how easily he could have communicated with them.

At school Jess greeted him like usual, and classes went like normal. Despite the snickers, he made an effort to use his tablet more. He had a voice and it was time he started using it, even if it was in this fashion.

When school was over, Cody walked with Jess to the pool. He knew the swim team would be there, getting ready to start their practice. The swim season for the year was winding down and they would be getting ready for the final meets. While it was too late for Jess to compete, Cody wanted the coach to at least see him swim so he could get him on the team for the next year. If they waited until the end of summer for tryouts, Cody feared Jess would have chickened out of the suggestion by then. Jess had already tried to protest, making excuse that he wasn't good enough or that he was too small. Cody wouldn't hear it and insisted he give it a go.

The coach was ecstatic to see the two of them. When Cody had suddenly left after the state finals, the previous year, Coach had been heartbroken. Jess was the one to finally speak up for the two of them.

"I'm the one who wants to join the swim team." Jess said, shaking slightly as the tall man stared him down.

"Sorry, what?" Coach looked at Cody, who looked down.

Cody considered himself the biggest idiot right now. With everything going on he didn't think that of course Coach would want him back on the team. He would never think the scrawny, nerdy Jess was there to compete instead. Cody had been the star, but now he would never compete on any swim team again.

Coach was staring at him and Cody finally realized he was waiting for him to say something.

'Jess, I don't think he knows.'

The Secret Lives of Fish - a sequel to The Thirteenth YearWhere stories live. Discover now