Stupid People

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"Bisexuality is just a phase, honey. You'll grow out of it."

"You're not bi, you're just confused."

"You'll come out as gay in a few years, just watch."

"Bisexuals don't exist. They're just gays and lesbians too afraid to say what they really are."
Everybody do it with me now. One, two...MEGA FACEPALM

And bisexuals aren't the only ones who get this kind of shit.

"Asexuality is just a phase, you'll grow out of it."

"You're not asexual, you just haven't found the right one yet."

"Asexuality isn't real. You just don't want to look dumb for still being a virgin!"


It is unbelievable how slowly our society advances. We could be the perfect world if everyone just accepted each other for who they were, and we all know this! But so much of our species just refuses to crawl out of the dark ages. It's 2014, and SOME of us are BARELY realizing that "Hmmm, maybe gays and lesbians deserve to get married, too. Gee, what do you know? Gay people are just like me. This equal rights thing is pretty neat."

But then a bisexual person comes along. "What?! You like guys AND girls?! But...but that's impossible. No, you have to pick one. Pick now!"

And pretty much anyone else who deviates from the norm.
"Asexuality? That's ridiculous!"
"Woah woah, slow down, with the fancy terms. I'm too stupid to treat this many people equally!"

You know, for the most intelligent species on earth, society as a whole can be pretty dense sometimes. It's our own fault, really. It's because people are so afraid of change, that they just take their parents' outdated values and refuse to let them go. If you think about it, we are the most open-minded generation that has ever lived.

That's why it is up to us to change things. It's up to us to prove to all those aliens watching us right now that we are as advanced as we say. It's up to us to not be stupid.

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